ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8663-C12-200600066

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Ottawa, 13 June 2006

File Number: 8663-C12-200600066

By E-mail


Mr. Scott Roberts
Assistant Vice-President, Carrier and Regulatory Affairs
Northwestel Inc.
P.O. Box 2727
Whitehorse , YT
Y1A 4Y4

Re: Review of regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc., Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1 - Request for extension to respond to additional interrogatories

Dear Mr. Roberts:

This is in response to Northwestel Inc.'s (Northwestel's) letter dated 5 June 2006 , in which the company requested an extension for filing responses to interrogatories that were sent to the company on 2 June 2006 in association with Review of regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc. , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1, 17 January 2006 .   Due to demands on resources, Northwestel requested that it be permitted to file its responses to the interrogatories on 30 June 2006 .  

In consideration of Northwestel's resource demands, an extension to 27 June 2006 has been granted.   This date also considers the need to allow sufficient time for a review of the responses to the interrogatories prior to the date of the oral hearing.

Yours sincerely,

(Original signed by)

John Macri
Director, Financial and Regulatory Matters

c.c.:   C. Bailey, CRTC (819) 997-4557

Date Modified: 2006-06-13
Date modified: