ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8663-C12-200509846
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LetterOttawa, 6 June 2006 File: 8663-C12-200509846 TO: Distribution List (attached) Re: Resale of local services At paragraph 157 of Revised regulatory framework for the small incumbent local exchange carriers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-14, 29 March 2006 (Decision 2006-24), the Commission permitted competitive entry into the small incumbent local exchange carriers' (SILECs) territories by allowing the resale of local services. The SILECs were directed to file tariffs by 1 May 2006 to reflect this determination. The Commission notes that the SILECs identified in the attached distribution list have yet to file the tariff revision for the Commission's approval as required by Decision 2006-14. Accordingly, these companies are asked to do so, by no later than 12 June 2006 . This filing should be made in the traditional tariff notification format (including a tariff notice letter with a number, a description page, and the tariff page(s)). If you require assistance with this request, please contact Michel Murray at (819) 997-9300. Your cooperation is appreciated. Yours sincerely, 'Original signed by S. Bédard '
Suzanne Bédard cc: Michel Murray, CRTC Attach. ATTACHMENT ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; |
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