ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8340-S4-200605405

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Ottawa, 16 May 2006

File Number: 8340-S4-200605405


Louise Bégin
111 12-November Street
Nicolet , Quebec
J3T 1S3

Dear Ms. Bégin:

Re: Support structure licence agreement

On 2 May 2006 , the Commission received your application for approval pursuant to section 29 of the Telecommunications Act of a support structure licence agreement for use by both Sogetel Inc. and Téléphone Milot Inc.

In your letter, you indicated that the agreement submitted for approval was basically the same as the agreements of TELUS Communications Company (TCC) and Société en commandite Télébec (Télébec).   You stipulated, however, that the agreement had been adapted to smaller common carriers.

To complete its review of your application, the Commission requires the following additional information.

•  For each article in the proposed licence agreement to be used by Sogetel and Téléphone Milot, please indicate the origin of the agreement on which the article in question was modeled (i.e., TCC agreement, Télébec agreement or other agreement). 

•  Please identify each article for which the content of the article and/or rates differ from those found in an agreement previously approved by the Commission for another carrier, and provide a brief justification for the difference.

Your replies should be filed no later than 26 May 2006 .

If the additional information requested is received by the above deadline, the Commission anticipates issuing its decision within 45 business days.


Original signed by S. Bédard

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

c.c.:   Michel Murray, CRTC (819) 997-9300

Date Modified: 2006-05-16

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