ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-T78-200506280
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LetterOttawa, 4 April 2006 File No.: 8740-T78-200506280 BY E-MAIL
Ms. Molly Slywchuk Dear Ms. Slywchuk: Re: Tariff Notice 319A On 10 March 2006 , Télébec, Société en commandite filed Tariff Notice 319A and an economic study. The company proposed to amend two pages of its General Tariff that had been included in its initial filing of 30 May 2005 (TN 319), by increasing the service charge related to the high-speed service provider interface from $600 that was previously approved on an interim basis by the Commission in Telecom Order CRTC 2005-224 - 10 June 2005 to $1,200. On 24 March 2006 , the Commission advised Télébec of its intention to send it interrogatories in regard to TN 319A. Please reply to the attached interrogatories. Your replies should be filed no later than 11 April 2006 . Yours truly, 'Original signed by S. Bédard '
Suzanne Bédard
cc: Michel Murray, CRTC (819) 997-9300 Attach. ATTACHMENT 1. Regarding the economic study filed with TN 319A, Table 4.2-1, item c) Service charge - High-speed service provider interface, please:
2. In article 7.9.3 of its tariff, Télébec indicates a service charge of $1200 for the high-speed service provider interface and $225 for high-speed access services. Specify the terms and conditions under which these service charges would apply (per request, per line, per month, per customer, etc.). 3. Indicate the applicable fees for Télébec's retail high-speed service provided to residential and business customers. Date Modified: 2006-04-04 |
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