ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-B2-200602955 - 8740-B53-200602971 - 8740-B53-200602616

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Ottawa, 28 March 2006

File Nos.   8740-B2-200602955

By E-mail

Mr. David Palmer
Director-Regulatory Matters
Bell Canada
110 O'Connor Street , 7 th Floor
Ottawa , Ontario
K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Palmer:

Re:    Bell Canada Tariff Notice No. 6935 & Bell Communications Tariff Notice No.'s 1, 1A and 2

The Commission received applications by Bell Communications dated 14 March 2006 and amended on 17 March 2006 , under cover of Tariff Notices 1 and 1A, in which Bell Communications proposed the introduction of its General Tariff.   Bell Communications noted that this application was the first in a series of tariff notices that would, essentially, replicate Bell Canada 's tariffs for use by Bell Communications.

On 21 March 2006 , the Commission received an application by Bell Canada under cover of Tariff Notice 6935, in which Bell Canada proposed revisions to its General Tariff Item 20 - Resale of Tariffed Services in the Territories of Other Companies under Common Control, and Item 60 - Exchange Rate Bands.   Bell Canada proposed, among other things, to remove multiple exchanges from Item 60 as these exchanges were being transferred to Bell Communications as part of the transaction that would create Bell Communications as an income trust.   Bell Canada noted that this transfer would not affect customers who are served by these exchanges.

Also, on 21 March 2006 , the Commission received an application by Bell Communications under cover of Tariff Notice 2, in which Bell Communications proposed the addition of Item 40 - Primary Exchange Services, Item 60 - Exchange Rate Bands and Item 70 - Rate Schedules for Primary Exchange (Local) Service to its General Tariff.   Bell Communications noted that this application represented the second in a series of tariff notices replicating Bell Canada 's tariffs for use by Bell Communications.

Commission staff notes that Bell Canada's proposed restructure and creation of Bell Communications has raised issues with regard to the regulatory implications of the new corporate structure.   Accordingly, the companies' applications remain under review by the Commission.   The Commission expects to render a determination on these applications within 45 business days from the date of the applications.

Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by S. Bédard '

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

cc:   Ron Carrara, CRTC (819) 997-1334

Date Modified: 2006-03-28
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