ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8740-T78-200515406

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Ottawa, 21 February 2006

File Number: 8740-T78-200515406


Molly Slywchuk
Director, Regulatory Affairs
7151 Jean-Talon St. East
Anjou, Quebec

Dear Ms. Slywchuk:

Re: Basic Centrex Télémétrie - TN 328

On 20 December 2005, Télébec filed a tariff notice seeking approval for a special assembly tariff (Item C400) in order to offer digital exchange access service connected to the public switched telephone network providing access to an assembly of basic features. This service will enable voice and data transmission.

Please see attached interrogatories relating to your application.

Responses to these interrogatories must be received by the Commission no later than 28 February 2006.


'Original signed by D. Magmanlac (for)'

Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

c.c.:   Michel Murray, CRTC (819) 997-9300
         Lizette Pépin, CRTC (819) 953-8735



1.   In Decision 94-19, the Commission considered it appropriate to provide increased pricing and service assembly flexibility by adopting customer-specific tariffs, and listed two general types of customer-specific tariffs:

i) those providing, via a special facilities or special assembly tariff (SFT), a service that involves service features or technology that differ from those covered by the general tariff (Type 1 CSA); and

ii) those providing a bundle of services tailored to a particular customer's needs, primarily involving elements available from the general tariff, where the purpose is to customize the offering in terms of rate structure or levels (Type 2 CSA).

In its application, Télébec submits that the Centrex Télémétrie service is a specific arrangement that is not offered in its General Tariff, and is modeled on its Centrex service, and believes that this special assembly arrangement is Type 1.

a)   In comparing the Centrex Télémétrie service with the Télébec Centrex service, explain the major differences in service features or technology justifying finding that this special assembly arrangement is Type 1 rather than Type 2.

b) Explain why the Centrex Télémétrie service could not be included as an additional Centrex service item in the General Tariff.

c) If the Commission finds that this special assembly arrangement is Type 2, involving either the Centrex service in the General Tariff or the local business service, what would the proposed rates and revised imputation test be? Specify the General Tariff service and the rate included in this test, and provide justification (ensuring that the General Tariff service selected is the service most similar to the   Centrex Télémétrie service).

Date Modified: 2006-02-21


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