ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8622-V2-200513006

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Ottawa, 30 January 2006


Our File No.: 8622-V2-200513006

To: Distribution List

Re:  Expedited Process - Organization and Conduct of the Oral Public Hearing

As indicated by Commission staff in a letter dated 2 December 2005 concerning the above-noted process, the Commission will hold an oral public hearing on Friday, 3 February 2006, to adjudicate the application by Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of Videotron Telecom Ltd, regarding a billing dispute with Bell Canada.

The purpose of this letter is to provide information to the parties on a variety of matters relating to the organization and conduct of the hearing.

Order of the Proceeding

The attached agenda outlines the expected timing for the proceeding.

Responsibilities of the Parties

For ease of translation and transcription, parties are requested to bring two copies of any written opening or closing remarks.

Filing of Documents

As indicated in the letter dated 2 December 2005, the parties should have filed a copy of all written material upon which they rely, except material already filed by the parties and Commission determinations, tariffs, tariff filings and any other similar documentation usually before the Commission in its normal course of business. Therefore, the Commission is not inclined to accept the filing of additional documents at the hearing.

Parties may contact Mr. Stephen Millington at (819) 953-0632 or at if they require additional information regarding the organization of and conduct at the hearing.

Yours sincerely,

Lynne Fancy
Acting Director
Competition Implementation and Technology

cc:  Stephen Millington, CRTC
       Mario Bertrand, CRTC



Mr. Jean-François Léger               Bell Canada           

Mr. Fritz Schmidt                          Bell Canada           

Mr. Stefan Kurylowicz                  Bell Canada            

Mr. Dennis Béland                    Quebecor Media Inc. 

Mr. Gilles Brunet                       Videotron Telecom Ltd

Mr. Christopher Taylor              Legal counsel for Videotron


Hearing to be held:

Friday, 3 February 2006
Salon Réal Therrien
7th floor of the Central Building
Terrasses de la Chaudière
1 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau (QC)

Additional logistics:

An audio link will be available throughout the hearing via the Commission's web site at

A participant's meeting room, adjacent to Salon Réal Therrien, will be available in:

Room 708
7th floor of the Central Building
Terrasses de la Chaudière
Gatineau (QC)

Note: Except for the starting time, the times shown below are approximate.

9:00 a.m. - 9:05 a.m.                 Opening Remarks by the Hearing Chairperson

9:05 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.               Hearing

Applicant:            Quebecor Media Inc.
Respondent:        Bell Canada
Regarding:           Billing dispute
Our File #:           8622-V22-200513006

Opening Remarks
    Quebecor Media Inc.          10 minutes
    Bell Canada                           10 minutes

    By the Commission
    By Quebecor Media Inc.          20 minutes
    By Bell Canada                          20 minutes
    By the Commission

Closing Remarks
    Quebecor Media Inc.               10 minutes
    Bell Canada                                 10 minutes

11:00 a.m.                                      Hearing Adjourn

Date Modified: 2006-01-30


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