ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8663-C12-200600066
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LetterFile Number: 8663-C12-200600066 Ottawa, 30 January 2006 By E-mail
Mr. Scott Roberts Re: Review of regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc., Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1 Dear Mr: Roberts Pursuant to the procedures set out in Review of regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc., Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1, 17 January 2006, attached are the interrogatories associated with this proceeding. Reponses to these interrogatories are to be filed with the Commission, and served on the interested parties to this proceeding, by 20 March 2006. Responses are to be received, and not merely sent, by this date. Yours sincerely, Original signed by
John Macri Attachment 1 INTERROGATORIES TO NORTHWESTEL INC. 30 January 2006 Regulatory framework Components of a price regulation framework 101 In Review of regulatory framework for Northwestel Inc., Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2006-1, 17 January 2006 (Public Notice 2006-1), the Commission stated that it wished to examine whether Northwestel's current rate base/rate of return regulatory framework should be replaced with a price regulation framework. The company is to provide its views, with supporting rationale, on the appropriateness of implementing a price regulation framework in 2007. 102 If the company proposes to implement a price regulation framework, provide the following information, with supporting rationale:
103 In Regulatory framework for second price cap period , Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002 (Decision 2002-34), the Commission determined that it was appropriate to use the annual chain-weighted Gross Domestic Product - Price Index (GDP-PI) published by Statistics Canada as the inflation index for the second price regulation regime for the large incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs).
104 In Decision 2002-34, the Commission determined that the basic productivity offset for the large ILECs for the second price regulation regime should be based on service-specific marginal costs in order to reflect the actual productivity gains that would likely be achieved for individual capped baskets. The Commission concluded that the basic productivity offset should be 3.5 percent on the cost component of the subsidy calculation and for the pricing constraints, as applicable.
105 In Price cap regulation and related issues , Telecom Decision CRTC 97-9, 1 May 1997 (Decision 97-9), the Commission established an exogenous factor as a component of the price cap formula. Adjustments were considered for events or initiatives which satisfied the following criteria:
Self-correcting mechanism 106 In Decision 97-9, the Commission considered that, rather than implementing an earnings sharing mechanism, the length of the price cap plan would be used as the only self-correcting mechanism to allow the benefit of a true price cap plan to be realized. Provide the company's views on the appropriateness of relying solely on the length of the price regulation framework as the self-correcting mechanism. 107 A) Provide the company's views on whether or not any approved price regulation regime should provide for a mechanism which would trigger a review of the regime during its period. B) Indicate whether the Commission, the company and/or other parties could initiate such a review and what the review process would entail. C) Provide a detailed description of the circumstances and/or criteria that should trigger such a review (e.g. financial viability). 108 Provide the company's views, with supporting rationale, on the appropriate length of time for the initial period of a price regulation regime if the company proposes such a regime. The response should provide the company's views on the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a relatively shorter period versus a longer period. Ancillary regulation and reporting requirements 109 A) Provide the company's views, with supporting rationale, as to which of the current financial monitoring and reporting requirements should be maintained, modified or eliminated as part of the company's proposed regulatory framework. B) Indicate any new reporting requirements that should be introduced under the company's proposed regulatory framework. Specify the filing frequency of any new reports. 110 Assume the Commission determines that it is appropriate to implement a price regulation framework. Provide the company's views on what filing requirements (e.g., financial statements, Phase III and/or split rate base results) would be appropriate for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of such a framework during the price regulation period. Capital plan, service improvement plan and quality of service [1] Capital plan and service improvement plan 201 A) Update the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-1 [Network Access Services (NAS) forecast] for the years 2003 to 2007 (the year 2007 should be based on rates currently in effect). The response should also include i) detailed explanations for the variances between the year 2004 and 2005 forecasts and actual growth in NAS for both years, and ii) detailed rationale for the years 2006 and 2007 forecast growth in NAS, for each of residence, business, and Centrex service. B) For the year 2007, provide the information requested in part A) i) above based on rates proposed to be in effect in 2007, if applicable. 202 A) Update the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-3 (toll forecast) for the years 2003 to 2007 (the year 2007 should be based on rates currently in effect). Also, provide i) the company's forecast of competitor's toll traffic by year, ii) the company's forecast of competitive toll traffic that will use the company's facilities for transport, iii) detailed explanations for variances between the forecasts and actual 2004 and 2005 toll traffic, and iv) detailed rationale for the 2006 and 2007 estimates of toll traffic. B) For the year 2007, provide the information requested in part A) above based on rates proposed to be in effect in 2007, if applicable. 203 Provide the 2006 View of Northwestel's capital plan in the same format as that provided in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-4. The response should include the years 2005 to 2007. 204 A) Refer to the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-7. Provide an update to the table setting out service improvement plan (SIP) capital expenditures for the years 2001 to 2005, if required. Provide a detailed description and justification for any increase to the $84.5 million in SIP expenditures approved in Northwestel Inc. - Supplemental funding requirements for 2004 and 2005, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-54, 15 September 2005 (Decision 2005-54). B) Refer to the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)03Feb05-112, Attachment 1. Provide an update to the table if there were any changes to the 2005 SIP roll-out, including any projects that were delayed to 2006. If any projects were delayed until 2006, provide a detailed explanation and a new table for 2006 in the same format as Attachment 1 to that interrogatory response. 205 Refer to the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-8. Update the SIP revenue requirement provided in Table 1 to that interrogatory response, if required. The company's response should also include two columns for the ten-year revenue requirements for the 2004 and 2006 Views of the SIP. 206 Refer to the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-11 regarding the future provision of voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) services. Provide an update to that interrogatory response. 207 In Decision 2005-54, the Commission directed Northwestel to file net present value (NPV) studies for six discretionary p rojects in the regulatory framework proceeding. Provide the six NPV studies referred to in Decision 2005-54. [2] 208 In Decision 2005-54, the Commission directed Northwestel to review the forecasted level of total capital expenditures for the years 2006 and 2007 with a view to reducing the total capital expenditures in each year. In reviewing these expenditures, the company was to take into consideration its obligation to maintain the required quality of service (Q of S) standards and the fact that the SIP would have been completed. The Commission further directed Northwestel to file the results of this review in the upcoming regulatory framework proceeding. Provide a table showing a comparison of the 2004 View and the 2006 View of the total capital expenditures for the years 2006 and 2007. 209 In Decision 2005-54, the Commission stated that it intended to consider whether a new SIP would be required in the upcoming review of Northwestel's regulatory framework.
210 In the response to interrogatory NWTel(PIAC)03Feb05-07, the company stated that it had engaged in preliminary discussions with Telesat Canada (Telesat) regarding the potential to distribute Anik F2 Ka-Band satellite service. Provide the results of these preliminary discussions with Telesat and, if available, any detailed economic analysis associated with this service (in particular, the potential to implement broadband data service via Anik F2). 211 In the proceeding initiated by Regulatory framework for voice communication services using Internet Protocol, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2004-2, 7 April 2004, Northwestel provided an attachment entitled "Quick Facts". Provide an update to this attachment for the year 2006. Quality of service 212 A) Provide, for the years 2004 and 2005, the company's Q of S indicators in the same format as the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-26. B) If the company encountered any significant Q of S problems in the years 2004 and 2005, provide detailed descriptions of the problems encountered and solutions employed by the company to correct these problems. Finance, revenues and expenses Financial review 301 For each of the years 2004 to 2006, provide Northwestel's actual/forecast results for the following, on a non-consolidated basis:
302 For the year 2005, provide a comparison of forecast to actual results for the company's Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Retained Earnings, Statement of Changes in Financial Position, and ROE calculation. 303 In Public Notice 2006-1, the Commission stated that, given that long distance competition was present in Northwestel's operating territory, the company was to provide its view as to whether it would be appropriate to split the company's rate base between Utility and Competitive segments in assessing the company's financial position.
304 For each of the years 2004 to 2006, provide a detailed breakdown of actual/forecast interest expense in the same format as the schedule provided in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)03Feb05-130. Explain how interest expense would be allocated between the Utility and Competitive segments if a split rate base regime is proposed. 305 For each of the years 2004 to 2006, provide the actual/forecast amount and rate for each component of the statutory income tax, and a reconciliation to the effective income tax. Explain how income tax would be allocated between the Utility and Competitive segments if a split rate base regime is proposed. 306 Refer to Bell Canada 2004 Financial Information, page 43, Employee Benefit Plans, (ii) Defined Contribution Plans, where Bell Canada stated that "some of our subsidiaries offer defined contribution (DC) plans that provide certain employees with pension benefits. In January 2005, Bell Canada introduced a DC pension plan for its employees. Current employees had the option of retaining their DB [defined benefit] coverage or switching to the new DC coverage. Going forward, most employees will participate in the DC Pension arrangement."
307 In Decision 2005-54, the Commission considered that it would be appropriate for Northwestel to investigate whether any of its higher-cost, long-term debt could be refinanced. Provide the results of that review, including any benefits and costs of refinancing. Revenues 308 A) Provide, for each of the years 2004 to 2006, the actual/estimated revenues related to the bundled carrier access tariff (CAT) rate approved in Long-distance competition and improved service for Northwestel customers, Decision CRTC 2000-746, 30 November 2000 (Decision 2000-746). The response should include detailed calculations and explanations for year-over-year variances. B) For each of the years 2004 and 2005, provide a schedule comparing forecasts to actual revenues for toll, settlement, and CAT categories. The response should include detailed supporting calculations, as well as explanations of any significant variances. C) Provide the company's views as to whether there is a continued need for the revenue deferral account mechanism established in Decision 2000-746. 309 Provide a breakdown of actual/estimated revenues by major category as indicated below, as applicable, for each of the years 2004 to 2006 (for the year 2006, provide the information for each of the Utility and Competitive segments, if applicable). Provide detailed explanations for year-over-year variances and all supporting assumptions. If necessary, reconcile the total to the revenue amount in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-301.
Primary Exchange
Options and Features Centrex (or Centrex-like) Network (identify major service categories, including message toll and private lines) Terminal (identify major service categories) Directory Assistance Uncollectibles Other (identify major service categories, including directory advertising) Total Operating expenses 310 A) Provide a schedule showing the actual/estimated operating expenses, for each of the years 2004 to 2006 (for the year 2006, provide the information for each of the Utility and Competitive segments, if applicable), according to the following categories (with a breakdown of each category to the greatest extent possible):
Note: If Operating Taxes are included in the various operating expense line accounts, such as Network, the portion of Operating Taxes should be removed from the line account. B) Provide detailed explanations for the year-over-year changes related to each of the expenses in part A) above. C) Confirm that all expenses related to "uncollectibles" in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-309 are reflected in the customer service category of operating expenses in response to part A) above. 311 In Northwestel Inc. - Supplemental funding requirement for 2003, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-64, 30 September 2004, as amended by Northwestel Inc. - Supplemental funding requirement for 2003, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-64-1, 18 October 2004 (Decision 2004-64), the Commission accepted Northwestel's proposal to apply a unique growth factor to that portion of transponder expenses attributable to data services on a provisional basis. The Commission considered that this adjustment should be reviewed as part of the proceeding to review the company's regulatory framework.
312 In Decision 2004-64, the Commission accepted Northwestel's proposal to adjust the growth factor to add back the estimated NAS units displaced by asymmetric digital subscriber lines (ADSL) on a provisional basis. In Decision 2005-54, the Commission considered that it would be appropriate for Northwestel to provide a study to estimate the additional operating expenses to provision ADSL over its NAS in the proceeding to review the company's regulatory framework.
Depreciation 313 For each of the years 2004 to 2006, provide the following information for the total company and, if applicable, for the Utility segment, for each asset account:
314 If the 2006 depreciation expense estimates are based upon depreciation life characteristics that have not been previously filed with the Commission, provide the required studies pursuant to the Commission's Phase I depreciation directives. Provide the electronic spreadsheets used to estimate the information filed above, if available. The spreadsheets should include formulas where applicable. 315 A) Provide the company's views as to what changes may be required, prior to the implementation of the company's proposed regulatory framework, to the company's currently-approved depreciation life characteristics. The company's response should include:
B) Provide the estimated financial impact (excluding salvage) of any service life changes, including the impact of any changes identified in part A) ii) above, by asset account for the five-year period commencing 1 January 2007. Rates 401 A) Identify all services for the following Northwestel tariffs:
B) For each item identified in part A) above, provide the estimated revenue at existing rates for the years 2005 and 2006. C) If the company intends to propose rate changes in the year 2006, provide, for each proposed monthly rate change, the existing rate, the proposed rate, and the estimated revenues for the years 2006 and 2007 under the rates proposed to become effective in the year 2006. D) If the company intends to propose rate changes in the year 2007, provide, for each proposed monthly rate change, the existing rate, the proposed rate and the estimated revenues for the year 2007 under rates proposed to become effective in the year 2007 based on the 2006 demand quantities. E) Provide as applicable, for each of the monthly rate changes referred to in parts C) and D) above, the weighted-average percentage price change relative to existing rates based on the rates proposed to be effective in i) 2006 and ii) 2007. F) For terminal equipment, provide total estimated revenues at i) existing rates and, if applicable, ii) proposed rates, disaggregated (as available) by residence and business customers, for the years 2006 and 2007 based on 2006 demand quantities. G) For Special Assembly Items, provide total estimated revenues at i) existing rates and ii) if applicable, proposed rates for the years 2006 and 2007 based on 2006 demand quantities 402 A) Provide, for each of the years 2005 and 2006, the estimated revenues and average in-service quantities, based on the applicable existing monthly rates, for each residential and business primary exchange service. The information should be disaggregated by individual line, two-party line, multi-party line and multi-line services and, if available, for each rate group currently in effect. Identify the corresponding tariff items and rates. B) Provide the information requested in part A) above, as applicable, arising from any rates proposed to become effective in the year 2006. Identify the proposed rate and effective date. C) Provide the information requested in part A) above for the year 2007, as applicable, arising from any rates proposed to become effective in the year 2007 and based on the year 2006 demand quantities. Identify the proposed rate and effective date. D) Provide, for each of the General Tariff Items provided in the response to part A) above, the weighted-average percentage rate change relative to existing rates under the rates proposed to become effective in year i) 2006 and ii) 2007. E) Reconcile any differences between the estimated primary exchange service revenues provided in the responses to parts A), B) and C) above and the estimated primary exchange service revenues provided in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-401. 403 A) Provide, for the years 2005 and 2006, the estimated General Tariff service charge revenues resulting from primary exchange services under existing rates, broken down between residential and business for each service charge element. Identify the rate and tariff item for each service charge element. B) Provide the information requested in part A) above, as applicable, arising from any rates proposed to become effective in the year 2006. Identify the proposed rate and effective date. C) Provide the information requested in part A) above, as applicable, arising from any rates proposed to become effective in the year 2007 based on the year 2006 demand quantities. Identify the proposed rate and effective date. 404 A) Identify all tariff filings with a net revenue impact in excess of $50,000 which 1) have been disposed of in the year 2005 for implementation in the year 2006, 2) the company has filed in the year 2005 and are pending approval, or 3) the company plans to file in the year 2006 to be effective in that year.
B) For each tariff filing identified in the response to part A) above, indicate whether the revenue and expense impacts identified were included in the company's year 2006 supplemental funding requirement application. If the revenue and expense impacts included in that application differ from those set out in parts A i) and A ii) above, indicate the amounts and the reason for the difference. C) For each of the tariff filings identified in response to part A) above, provide the information requested on an annualized basis. D) As available, provide similar information requested in parts A), B) and C) above for any tariff initiatives to take effect in the year 2007. 405 A) Provide the average monthly bill at existing rates for residence individual line subscribers for each operating region and overall, broken down into the following components:
B) Provide average bill information similar to that requested in part A) above under any proposed rates to be implemented in each of the years 2006 and 2007. C) For each of the years 2006 and 2007, provide distributions of the percentage and monthly dollar impacts of proposed rates on residence subscribers' total monthly bills, using billings under existing rates as the reference case. 406 A) Provide the company's views with regard to the need to further rebalance or restructure the company's rates for primary exchange service. The company's response should:
B) If the company proposes any rate rebalancing/restructuring initiatives for the year 2007, provide the estimated revenues, with detailed supporting calculations and assumptions that would result from these initiatives. 407 Assume the Commission determines that it is appropriate to unbundle the CAT into separate rate elements for contribution, switching and aggregation, and equal access start-up costs in the year 2007.
Competition Local competition 501 In Public Notice 2006-1, the Commission sought comments as to whether local competition should be permitted in Northwestel's operating territory and under what conditions.
502 A) Assuming the Commission permits facilities-based local competition in Northwestel's operating territory, specify how the following network elements should be made available to competitors: interconnection, co-location, unbundled network elements, and local number portability. B) Provide the company's views as to who should pay for these network elements identified in part A) above and whether their availability should be i) on similar terms as those of the large ILECs, or ii) mandated by the Commission based on a request from the competitive local service provider. Long distance competition 503 A) Provide, for each of the years 2004 to 2006, the company's actual/estimated originating and terminating voice (conversation) and public switched telephone network (PSTN) data minutes, by peak and off-peak periods, and by domestic and non-domestic categories, along with supporting assumptions for the year 2006. Originating and terminating minutes should be provided separately, as well as in total. B) Provide for the year 2007, a forecast of the information requested in part A) above, if applicable, based on the impact of any rates proposed to be effective in the year 2007. C) Provide a list of all data services which have been included in the estimate in the response to part A) above. Identify each service not included, the amount of originating and terminating traffic (by peak and off-peak periods), associated with that service, and provide the rationale for excluding the traffic in the estimates provided in the response to part A) above. D) Provide, by domestic and non-domestic categories, the originating/terminating call ratio used to develop the minute forecasts provided in response to part (A) above. 504 Provide, for each of the years 2004 to 2006, the actual/estimate market share percentages by i) peak and off-peak periods, separately and in total, and ii) settlement category (e.g. domestic, U.S., and overseas), held by the company and by other service providers. The response should include the total market minutes as well as the market minutes for facilities-based carriers, resellers (include separately resellers of calling cards), and the company. Provide all supporting assumptions, calculations, and underlying data. 505 Provide a list of all facilities-based long distance service providers and registered resellers operating in Northwestel's territory, together with the geographic area in which they operate and when they commenced providing service. 506 In Decision 2005-54, Northwestel submitted that while two competitors were also providing long distance service in its territory using Northwestel's equal access service, prepaid cards continued to be the primary form of toll competition in its territory. Provide an estimate of the portion of the long distance market captured by service providers offering long distance service through prepaid cards in Northwestel's territory. Provide all supporting assumptions, calculations, and underlying data. 507 A) Provide a cost study for the CAT with a breakdown of switching and aggregation, and equal access costs on a cost per-minute basis. Indicate the contribution levels applicable over the study period. B) For the information provided in response to part A) above. provide i) a hard copy of the model's cost inputs; ii) the models used for the calculations in computer format; iii) the assumptions for the model including forecast minutes for the study period; and iv) the details of the methodology used to derive the costs for each component. 508 For the CAT cost study provided in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-507 above, provide a discussion of the major cost components including the rationale as to their inclusion. Funding for provision of service to high-cost serving areas Phase II cost information 601 Refer to Attachment 12b of the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)23Nov04-04. In addition to the information contained in the attachment to that interrogatory response, provide the following as of 31 December 2005:
Note that for the purpose of this interrogatory, the population information is to be determined based on the most recent available Statistics Canada census data. 602 For each rate group or proposed rate band, provide Phase II cost studies for primary exchange and loop costs providing details of i) costs as indicated in Appendix 1 to these interrogatories and ii) components included in each category identified in Appendix 1, for the following services:
603 Refer to the Phase II cost studies provided in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-602.
604 For each rate group or proposed rate band provided in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-602, provide the revenues applicable for the period of the study for:
605 Provide details of methodology, assumptions and supporting rationale used to derived the maintenance costs by rate group or rate band relating to the primary exchange and loop costs studies provided in the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-602 above. Where the monthly maintenance cost exceeds the average monthly maintenance cost of all communities by 20 percent or more, provide explanations for these cost differences. These explanations should include a discussion of the differences in cost methods, cost driver estimates and unit costs. 606 A) Provide a Phase II cost study of the toll connecting trunks for each rate group in the company's operating territory. B) Refer top the cost study provided in response to part A) above.
Subsidy calculation 607 In Changes to the contribution regime, Decision CRTC 2000-745, 30 November 2000 (Decision 2000-745), the Commission considered that it would be appropriate to calculate the annual total subsidy requirement for the high-cost serving areas (HCSAs) of the large ILECs using a cost-based approach. In Restructured bands, revised loop rates and related issues, Decision CRTC 2001-238, 27 April 2001, as amended by Restructured bands, revised loop rates and related issues, Decision CRTC 2001-238-1, 27 April 2001 and Restructured bands, revised loop rates and related issues, Decision CRTC 2001-238-2 (Decision 2001-238); Decision 2001-238, the Commission, among other things, established the following HCSA bands for the large ILECs:
Provide the company's proposal concerning an appropriate rate band structure, taking into account the need to identify HCSAs in its territory in view of the Commission's conclusions in Decision 2001-238 and the subsidy calculations based on the formula set out in Decision 2000-745. 608 In Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001-756, 14 December 2001, the Commission approved a modified band structure for Bands E, F, and G for the small ILECs. Comment on the appropriateness of Northwestel using this band structure for the purposes of its subsidy calculation. 609 In Decision 2000-745, the Commission determined that, in general, the subsidy requirement for HCSAs would consist of the following: annual primary exchange residential service revenue, plus an annual target implicit contribution amount from other local residential services, less the annual Phase II costs plus an appropriate mark-up. Comment on the appropriateness of Northwestel using the subsidy formula set out in Decision 2000-745 to determine its local service subsidy entitlement and specifically address, among other things, each of the following subsidy components:
610 Provide, for each of the HCSA bands noted above in interrogatories NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-607 and NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-608, Northwestel's average monthly residential PES rate and the associated residential NAS counts, as at 31 December 2005. 611 In the event that Northwestel does not have Phase II costing for its residential service, comment on the appropriateness of using, as a proxy for its local service PES costs, the following national weighted-average Phase II PES costs of the large ILECs, which were determined from the Phase II PES costs approved in Decision 2001-238:
612 Provide the detailed calculation of Northwestel's subsidy requirement based upon the methodology in Decision 2000-745, using i) the proxy costs identified in NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-611 and ii) the costs established from cost studies in NWTel(CRTC)30Jan06-602. 613 In Telephone service in high-cost serving areas, Telecom Decision CRTC 99-16, 19 October 1999, the Commission found it appropriate that a portion of Northwestel's switching and aggregation facilities be considered an extension of its local network. In the event that Northwestel considers that a portion of its switching and aggregation facilities should be considered an extension of its local network, explain i) why these facilities should receive subsidy, ii) how the amount of subsidy should be determined, and iii) the amount of subsidy, with supporting calculations. 614 Provide an Annual Revenue Report based on Northwestel's 2005 financial statements, in the format used by telecommunications service providers to file their statement of contribution-eligible revenues as part of the revenue-based mechanism approved in Decision 2000-745. Northwestel's calculation of its contribution-eligible revenue should include a breakdown of its non-Canadian revenues, Canadian non-telecommunications revenues, and inter-carrier payments. Appendix 1 Detailed Summary of Phase II Costs
Present Worth
[1] The 23 November 2004 and 3 February 2005 interrogatory responses refer to responses filed in the proceeding initiated by Northwestel Inc. - Annual review of supplemental funding for 2004 and 2005, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2004-6, 23 November 2004. [2] In the response to interrogatory NWTel(CRTC)03Feb05-101, Northwestel listed six discretionary projects: Projects 1.1.56, 1.2.7, 1.2.9, 1.3.2, 3.1.17, and 4.1.5. c.c.: C. Bailey, CRTC (819) 997-4557 Date Modified: 2006-01-30
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