Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-66
Ottawa, 28 September 2006
Canadian Adjunct to the INC Personal Communications Services N00 NXX Code Assignment Guidelines
Reference: 8698-C12-200609704
On 23 May 2006, the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) completed consensus Task Identification Form Report #56 for the development of a Canadian Adjunct to the Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Personal Communications Services (PCS) N00 NXX Code Assignment Guidelines (the Canadian Adjunct). On 28 June 2006, the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) accepted the Canadian Adjunct and forwarded it to the Commission for its approval.
The Canadian Adjunct specifies the modifications that are necessary to the INC PCS N00 NXX Code Assignment Guidelines to reflect the Canadian regulatory environment.
Following its review of the document, the Commission approves the Canadian Adjunct with the following modifications:
i) The four statements in the Introduction where reference is made to guidelines or the adjuncts being approved by the CSCN should be replaced as follows:
First paragraph, first sentence
This Adjunct has been developed by the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) and approved by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) for use in Canada.
Second paragraph, last sentence
The CNA administers NANP resources in accordance with guidelines developed by the CSCN and approved by the CRTC.
Third paragraph
b) The CNA shall review all applications for NANP resources to ensure that the applications are complete, satisfy Canadian regulatory requirements, and are in accordance with CRTC-approved guidelines.
i) In the event the CNA and NANPA disagree regarding the administrative process or interpretation of adjuncts or guidelines, the CRTC-approved adjuncts or guidelines shall prevail in Canada.
ii) Paragraph 10 of the Canadian Adjunct should be replaced with:
Section 11.0 of the INC Guidelines is replaced with the following text:
Disagreements may arise among the CNA, Code Applicant, Code Holder, or other TSP in the administration of Canadian PCS N00 NXX Codes in accordance with these Guidelines.
The CNA, Code Applicant, Code Holder or other TSP shall make reasonable, good faith efforts to resolve such disagreements among themselves in a manner that is consistent with this Adjunct.
If the Code Applicant, Code Holder or other TSP is dissatisfied with the result of the above discussion with the CNA, it may submit a formal written appeal. Appeals may include but are not limited to one or more of the following options:
a) resubmitting the matter to the CNA for reconsideration with or without additional input,
b) resubmitting the matter to the CSCN for Adjunct interpretation and/or clarification,
c) requesting the CNA to submit in a generic manner the matter to the CSCN for Adjunct interpretation and/or clarification, thus keeping the identity of the appellant confidential. Upon such request, the CNA shall submit the documentation on the matter provided by the appellant to the CSCN for consideration,
d) submitting a Task Identification Form (TIF) to the CSCN for consideration,
e) submitting the matter to the CRTC for consideration.
CNA - Canadian Numbering Administrator
NANP - North American Numbering Plan
NANPA - North American Numbering Plan Administrator
TSP - telecommunications service provider
Secretary General
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