Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-65
Ottawa, 28 September 2006
Canadian Adjunct to the INC NPA Allocation Plan and Assignment Guidelines
Reference: 8698-C12-200609696
On 25 April 2006, the Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) completed consensus Task Identification Form Report #57 for the development of a Canadian Adjunct to the Industry Numbering Committee (INC) NPA Allocation Plan and Assignment Guidelines (the Canadian Adjunct). On 28 June 2006, the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) accepted the Canadian Adjunct and forwarded it to the Commission for its approval.
The Canadian Adjunct specifies the modifications that are necessary to the INC NPA Allocation Plan and Assignment Guidelines to reflect the Canadian regulatory environment.
Following its review of the document, the Commission approves the Canadian Adjunct with the following modifications:
i) The last two sentences of paragraph 20 should be replaced with:
When any changes occur to the status of Canadian NPA reservations and assignments, the CNA shall notify theCRTC and the CSCN of the details. If at any time the CNA concludes that the assignments and reservations of Canadian NPAs are insufficient to meet Canadian requirements for numbering resources over the next 10-year forecast period, the CNA shall inform the CRTC and the CSCN of the details, and include a status report in the next annual G-NRUF Report.
ii) The second paragraph of the Canadian Appeal Process (paragraph 21) should be replaced with:
Subsequent to the notification to the industry per section 5.4 for Canadian ERCs or Canadian General Purpose NPAs, Canadian entities may request the CSCN to review the assignment of an ERC or General Purpose Code. The petitioner and other parties shall be given the opportunity to explain their rationale to the CSCN for supporting or objecting to the assignment. If CSCN consensus affirms the assignment, the CSCN will take no further action. In the event the CSCN concurs with the petitioner, the CSCN shall inform the CRTC via the CISC process and request CRTC approval to withdraw the assignment. Upon CRTC approval of a CSCN proposal to withdraw an assignment, the CNA shall advise NANPA to withdraw the assignment. (Note: Any entity may submit its objection to the assignment of a Canadian ERC or Canadian General Purpose NPA directly to the CRTC.)
NPA - numbering plan area
CNA - Canadian Numbering Administrator
G-NRUF - General Numbering Resource Utilization Forecast
ERC - easily recognizable NPA codes
NANPA - North American Numbering Plan Administrator
Secretary General
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