Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-47
Ottawa, 28 July 2006
Relief implementation plans for Maskatel for area codes 450 and 819
Reference: 8698-C12-200500977 and 8698-C12-16/01
In this Decision, the Commission relieves Maskatel from the obligation of providing industry standard network announcements with automatic call completion, on calls dialed using 7 digits prior to the implementation of mandatory 10-digit dialing. In addition to the other requirements of the relief implementation plans, the Commission directs Maskatel to inform its customers of the 10-digit dialing requirement by:
sending monthly bill inserts from August to September 2006 inclusive;
placing two notices in local newspapers, one in the month of September 2006 and one in the month of October 2006, prior to the implementation date of mandatory 10-digit dialing;
sending a personal letter to each affected customer to be received 10 days prior to the implementation date of mandatory 10-digit dialing; and
placing information on its website in a prominent, highly visible location for the minimum period of August to October 2006 inclusive.
In Relief implementation plans for area codes 450, 514, 519, 613 and 819, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-26, 11 May 2006 (Decision 2006-26), the Commission relieved certain telecommunication service providers (TSPs) that have network limitations from the obligation of providing industry standard network announcements with automatic call completion, on calls dialed using 7 digits prior to the implementation of mandatory 10-digit dialing.
On 9 June 2006, Maskatel informed the Commission that it had the same network limitations as those TSPs identified in Decision 2006-26, preventing it from providing industry standard network announcements with automatic call completion on calls dialed using 7 digits during the permissive dialing period. Maskatel requested that it too be relieved of the same obligation.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission notes that Maskatel's network limitations for area codes 450 and 819 are similar to those of the TSPs listed in Decision 2006-26. The Commission is of the view that the investment required for Maskatel to upgrade its networks would be significant.
Considering that Maskatel is in a situation similar to that of the TSPs listed in Decision 2006-26, the Commission relieves Maskatel from providing network announcements followed by call completion on calls dialed using 7 digits. However, in addition to the requirements contained in the approved relief implementation plans (RIPs), the Commission directs Maskatel to inform its customers of the pending 10-digit dialing requirement by:
- sending monthly bill inserts from August to September 2006 inclusive;
- placing two notices in local newspapers, one in the month of September 2006 and one in the month of October 2006, prior to the implementation date of mandatory 10-digit dialing;
- sending a personal letter to each affected customer to be received 10 days prior to the implementation date of mandatory 10-digit dialing; and
- placing information on its website in a prominent, highly visible location for the minimum period of August to October 2006 inclusive.
The Commission also reminds Maskatel that it must comply with all of the other requirements of the RIPs for area codes 450 and 819.
Secretary General
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