Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-42-1
See also: 2006-42
Ottawa, 25 August 2006
Bell Canada and TCC - Co-location power service rates
Reference: 8740-B2-6653/02, 8740-T46-4173/02 and 8740-T42-0488/02
In Bell Canada and TCC - Co-location power service rates, Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-42, 30 June 2006 (Decision 2006-42), the calculation of co-location power rates for TELUS Communications Company (TCC) inadvertently included a maintenance cost factor associated with TCC's operating territory in British Columbia, rather than the intended average maintenance cost factor associated with its combined operating territories of British Columbia and Alberta, which is customarily included in the calculation of rates applicable to TCC in matters of this kind.
Accordingly, in this Erratum the Commission is issuing a correction. The changes are highlighted in bold italic.
Paragraphs 80 to 83 of Decision 2006-42 should read as follows:
80. The Commission notes that in the proceeding leading to Changes to the contribution regime, Decision CRTC 2000-745, 30 November 2000 (Decision 2000-745), TCC submitted an annual maintenance and repair expense estimate for common equipment, including power equipment, of 1.26 percent of the original capital investment for TCC in its operating territory of British Columbia and 5.67 percent of the original capital investment for TCC in its operating territory of Alberta, the average of which equates to approximately 27.12percent of the associated monthly capital costs.
81. In light of the above, the Commission considers it appropriate to set TCC's maintenance expense, exclusive of portfolio expenses, at 27.12 percent of its monthly capital cost.
82. The Commission also considers it appropriate to further adjust TCC's maintenance expenses to include TCC's portfolio expenses in its maintenance expense estimates. The Commission notes that, in the context of its ongoing general review of ILEC Phase II costing information requirements, TCC estimated a portfolio expense factor of 48.65 percent.7 In light of this, the Commission considers it appropriate to apply a portfolio expense factor of 48.65 percent to the maintenance expense estimate of 27.12 percent of capital costs. The Commission notes that this adjustment has the effect of increasing TCC's maintenance expense to 40.31 percent of capital costs.
83. Accordingly, the Commission applies a maintenance expense of 40.31 percent of capital costs to estimate the maintenance expenses associated with TCC's co-location DC power service.
The rate schedule in paragraph 145 of Decision 2006-42 should read as follows:
Final co-location power rates
29 Nov 2000 to
31 May 2002
1 June 2002
forward (subject to I-X)
Bell Canada
Bell Canada
-48 volt DC per fuse amp
120 volt AC unprotected per fuse amp
120 volt AC protected per fuse amp
Secretary General
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