Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-29
Ottawa, 18 May 2006
Approval of CISC Business Process Working Group report on customer transfer processes between wireless and wireline carriers
Reference: 8620-C12-200510934
In this Decision, the Commission approves Wireless Number Portability, Consensus Report BPRE056a.doc, filed on 20 February 2006 by the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group, for a two-phased implementation approach for the customer transfer processes between wireless carriers and local exchange carriers.
In Implementation of wireless number portability, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-72, 20 December 2005 (Decision 2005-72), the Commission noted that with the introduction of wireless number portability (WNP), there may be a need to modify the customer transfer processes used by local exchange carriers (LECs) in order to accommodate wireless carriers. The Commission requested the CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) Business Process Working Group (BPWG) to identify the required changes to the customer transfer processes and related documentation in order to incorporate wireless-related porting. The Commission also requested that the CISC BPWG file a report with the Commission outlining the results of its investigation within 60 days from the date of Decision 2005-72.
The BPWG filed Wireless Number Portability, CISC BPWG Consensus Report BPRE056a.doc, 20 February 2006 (the Report), in accordance with the Commission's request and for the Commission's approval.
In the Report, the BPWG indicated that it had completed a detailed comparison between the Canadian Wireless Number Portability Guidelines being developed by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA), and Version 5.2 of the Canadian Local Exchange Ordering Guidelines (C-LOG). The BPWG further indicated that it was actively working on Version 6 of the C-LOG, which it had planned to implement at the same time that WNP was to be launched in the September 2007 timeframe that had been set out in the report produced on behalf of the CWTA by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.1
According to the BPWG, it would not be possible to implement Version 6 in time for the launch date of 14 March 2007 established in Decision 2005-72, because of the significant work required to complete Version 6 of the C-LOG and the necessary enhancements required to individual LEC systems. In order to meet the current WNP schedule, the BPWG created a two-phased implementation approach for customer transfers between wireless carriers and LECs. The initial phase would be based on the current Version 5.2 of the C-LOG and the final phase would be based on Version 6 of the C-LOG. The initial phase would be ready for the launch of WNP in March 2007, and the final phase was expected to be launched in the third quarter of 2007.
The BPWG noted that the customer transfer processes between wireless carriers and LECs would utilize a clearinghouse function operated by the wireless industry. With this clearinghouse function and a two-phased approach, LECs would not be required to make any changes to their systems until Version 6 of the C-LOG was implemented. While this approach meant that the clearinghouse function would have to be modified after the initial launch, it would permit the industry as a whole to move quickly to finalize the intermodal porting2 customer transfer processes.
The BPWG also noted that the interim approach based on Version 5.2 of the C-LOG would result in some functional limitations; however, the BPWG determined that these limitations would be tolerable until the full benefits of Version 6 of the C-LOG were achieved in the third quarter of 2007.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission notes that the two-phased implementation approach proposed by the BPWG has the benefit of permitting LECs to make any changes to their systems for WNP at the same time that changes are made for the implementation of Version 6 of the C-LOG. The Commission also notes the BPWG's comment that the interim phase will result in some functional limitations. While these limitations have the potential to increase initial rejection rates, the Commission considers that through cooperative industry efforts, any such problems can be managed for the approximate six month period that the interim phase is in place.
The Commission commends the BPWG members for reaching mutually agreeable solutions to difficult issues under significant pressure and a tight deadline. The Commission encourages the BPWG members to continue co-operating and working diligently towards implementing a two-phased approach for the customer transfer processes between wireless carriers and LECs within the prescribed timeframe.
In light of the above, the Commission approves the Report, as submitted, for a two-phased implementation approach for the customer transfer processes between wireless carriers and LECs.
Secretary General
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