Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-8
Ottawa, 18 January 2006
O.K. Radio Group Ltd.
Edmonton, Alberta
Application 2005-0757-7
Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-90
15 September 2005
CKER-FM Edmonton - Technical change
The Commission approves the application by O.K. Radio Group Ltd. to amend the broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CKER-FM Edmonton by changing the frequency from 101.9 MHz (channel 270C) to 101.7 MHz (channel 269C).
The application
The Commission received an application by O.K. Radio Group Ltd. (O.K. Radio) requesting that the broadcasting licence for the radio programming undertaking CKER-FM Edmonton be amended by changing the frequency from 101.9 MHz (channel 270C) to 101.7 MHz (channel 269C).
The applicant stated that the proposed frequency change was required in order to alleviate interference caused to the signals of other radio stations in parts of Edmonton. All other technical parameters would remain unchanged.
The Commission received one intervention from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), who was opposed to this application on technical grounds. The intervener stated that 101.7 MHz is the same frequency as that contemplated for use by the CBC in Lloydminster in its Long Range Radio Plan for Radio Two, although under Class B parameters (i.e., on channel 269B). According to the CBC, the technical change proposed by O.K Radio would create a potential zone of interference inside the protected contour of that Lloydminster allocation. The CBC added that it does not have complementary coverage in this area for its Radio Two service, and that its recent investigation for Edmonton and its vicinity have revealed that replacement channels are difficult to find.
Applicant's reply
McCormick Telecom Consulting Ltd. (MTC), replying on behalf of O.K. Radio, stated that negotiations among the applicant, other radio licensees and the Department of Industry (the Department) had taken place in order to resolve a serious interference situation that emerged recently when new FM stations commenced operations in Edmonton. MTC added that, as a co-operative gesture on the part of O.K. Radio, CKER-FM had already commenced broadcasting on 101.7 MHz under temporary authority granted by the Department.
MTC stated further that it had completed an interference evaluation of the Lloydminster channel which demonstrated that it is being protected by a wide margin. According to MTC, in the case of an assignment with full Class B parameters, there may be a small wedge of interference to the 0.5 mV/m contour depending on the location of the transmitter site, but that in the present case, this interference zone would be no more than 8 kilometers deep and would be situated over a small part of rural Alberta, west of Lloydminster. MTC concluded that O.K. Radio's application fully meets the Department's rules and procedures and, in the worst case, would offer only a minor impairment to a potential future CBC service in Lloydminster.
Commission's analysis and determination
The Commission notes that technical matters, such as the potential for frequency interference, are within the jurisdiction of the Department. In this regard, the Department has advised the Commission that, when CKER-FM began broadcasting at its current site, interference to the signal of CISN-FM Edmonton was found to occur in several parts of Edmonton, and that this interference was eliminated once the applicant commenced broadcasting on the adjacent channel 269C. The Department added that CKER-FM has been operating with interim authority on this new channel since May 2005, and that the Department is satisfied with the results. With regard to the use of channel 269B in Lloydminster, the Department noted that, while some small areas of mutual interference are predicted, the applicant has met the criteria for protection of an unused allotment and that the extent of the interference is considered acceptable.
The Commission has examined the issues associated with the operation of CKER-FM on 101.7 MHz (channel 269C) and is satisfied that the applicant's use of these new technical parameters is appropriate in the circumstances. Accordingly, the Commission approves the application by O.K. Radio Group Ltd. to amend the broadcasting licence for CKER-FM Edmonton in order to change the frequency from 101.9 MHz (channel 270C) to 101.7 MHz (channel 269C).
The Commission reminds the licensee that, pursuant to section 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, this authority will only be effective when the Department notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met, and that a broadcasting certificate will be issued.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca