Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-61
Ottawa, 10 March 2006
Destination Osoyoos Development Society
Osoyoos, British Columbia
Application 2005-0234-5
Public Hearing in the National Capital Region
14 November 2005
Low-power tourist FM radio programming undertaking in Osoyoos
The Commission approves the application by Destination Osoyoos Development Society to operate a low-power FM radio station at Osoyoos, British Columbia.
The application
The Commission received an application by Destination Osoyoos Development Society (DODS) for a broadcasting licence to operate an English-language, low-power tourist FM radio programming undertaking in Osoyoos, British Columbia.
The proposed station would operate at 106.5 MHz (channel 293LP) with an effective radiated power of 16.5 watts.
The applicant proposed to offer tourist information, consisting of pre-recorded messages relating to local and provincial safety conditions, weather and highway conditions, tourist attractions, events and community activities.
Standard Radio Inc. (Standard) expressed a concern that applications such as the current one "do not fulfil the objectives of the Broadcasting Act and appear to provide low-cost entry into commercial broadcasting to compete with local broadcasters." As the operator of AM station CJOR in Osoyoos, Standard suggested that the Commission should consider appropriate conditions of licence and mechanisms to ensure that the applicant does not deviate from the plans described in its application.
Mr. Stan Stodola, a resident of Osoyoos, was of the opinion that the small town of Osoyoos is already served by a radio station, and that a tourist radio station would serve no purpose. Furthermore, Mr. Stodola indicated that DODS is funded by the Town of Osoyoos and the municipality should not get involved with the operation of a radio station.
The applicant provided no response to the interventions.
Commission's analysis and determination
The Commission has considered the arguments of the intervenors, but finds that the proposed station would fulfil a very limited function, compared to the full range of activities and services provided by conventional commercial radio stations. The application by DODS is for a low-power tourist information service that would provide only pre-recorded messages informing tourists of weather and highway conditions as well as attractions and services in the Osoyoos area. The Commission is of the view that the proposed station would not have a significant financial impact on existing conventional FM stations that are targeted to a much larger mainstream audience of permanent residents.
In light of the above, the Commission approves the application by Destination Osoyoos Development Society for a broadcasting licence to operate an English-language, low-power tourist FM radio programming undertaking in Osoyoos, British Columbia. The station will operate at 106.5 MHz (channel 293LP) with an efective radiated power of 16.5 watts.
The licence will expire 31 August 2012 and will be subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to this decision.
Issuance of the licence
The Department of Industry (the Department) has advised the Commission that, while this application is conditionally technically acceptable, it will only issue a broadcasting certificate when it has determined that the proposed technical parameters will not create any unacceptable interference with aeronautical NAV/COM services.
The Commission reminds the applicant that, pursuant to section 22(1) of the Broadcasting Act, no licence may be issued until the Department notifies the Commission that its technical requirements have been met, and that a broadcasting certificate will be issued.
Given that the technical parameters approved in this decision are for a low-power unprotected FM service, the Commission also reminds the applicant that it will have to select another frequency if the Department so requires.
Furthermore, the licence for this undertaking will be issued once the applicant has informed the Commission in writing that it is prepared to commence operations. The undertaking must be operational at the earliest possible date and in any event no later than 24 months from the date of this decision, unless a request for an extension of time is approved by the Commission before 10 March 2008. In order to ensure that such a request is processed in a timely manner, it should be submitted at least 60 days before that date.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to the licence. It is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site: www.crtc.gc.ca