Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2006-455
Ottawa, 31 August 2006
1656810 Ontario Limited Timmins, Ontario
Application 2005-1212-0
Public Hearing in Edmonton, Alberta
19 June 2006
CKTT-FM Timmins, Ontario - Acquisition of assets
The Commission denies the application by 1656810 Ontario Limited to acquire the assets of CKTT-FM Timmins, Ontario as well as the applicant's proposal to modify the service offered by the station from that of a tourist information station to a commercial specialty FM station offering religious programming.
The application
The Commission received an application by 1656810 Ontario Limited (1656180 Ontario), to acquire the assets of the low-power English-language FM radio programming undertaking CKTT-FM Timmins from Tri-Tel Communications Inc.
Currently, CKTT-FM offers a non-commercial tourist information service limited to pre-recorded welcome messages, paid advertising and general information relating to the tourist sites and events in and around the city of Timmins. As part of its application, the applicant requested authority to operate the station as a commercial specialty FM radio programming undertaking offering religious programming as defined in Religious Broadcasting Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1993-78, 3 June 1993 (the Religious Broadcasting Policy). The applicant indicated that it would not pursue the application to acquire the assets of CKTT-FM should the Commission not approve its proposal change the station's format as set out above.
In order to effect the proposed change of format, 1656180 Ontario proposed to delete the following conditions of licence:
- The licensee must use the station solely for the purpose of broadcasting pre-recorded welcome messages, paid advertising, and general information relating to tourist sites and events in and around Timmins, except for a maximum of 10 hours per week of "live" broadcasting.
- The licensee must not broadcast any musical selection, except as incidental background music.
In their place, the applicant proposed to add the following conditions of licence:
- The licensee shall draw at least 95% of the total weekly music from category 35 (non-classic religious).
- Where the licensee broadcasts religious programming as defined in the Religious Broadcasting Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1993-78, 3 June 1993, the licensee shall adhere to the guidelines set out in sections III.B.2.a and IV of that public notice with respect to the provision of balance and ethics in religious programming, as amended from time to time.
- The licensee shall provide a minimum of 10 hours of balance programming per broadcast week as defined in the Religious Broadcasting Policy, Public Notice CRTC 1993-78.
- The licensee shall provide a minimum of $100 per year in direct contributions to the development of Canadian talent.
The applicant indicated that the station would provide a blend of religious spoken word and Christian-based music. Approximately 44% of the station's programming would be spoken word. Overall, 20% of the proposed programming would be live, and a total of 70% of all the station's programming would be produced by the station. The applicant indicated that the station would not provide any news. The applicant also stated that it would create an advisory board and review committee that would be charged with reviewing and screening the station's programming.
The Commission did not receive any interventions in connection with this application.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission has carefully examined the applicant's proposal to change the service offered by CKTT-FM from that of a tourist information station to a commercial specialty FM station offering religious programming.
The Commission is not satisfied that the applicant's plan for ensuring balanced religious programming is consistent with the duties and responsibilities of a broadcaster that chooses to focus on religious programming. The Commission is of the view that the applicant has not presented an adequately developed plan for providing balanced programming as contemplated by the Religious Broadcasting Policy. In particular, the Commission finds that the applicant's plans with respect to the provision of programming time to local faith groups and differing faith perspectives are unclear.
Moreover, the Commission is not persuaded that the applicant would provide a sufficiently locally relevant service to Timmins given the relative lack of local information programming that the station would provide. In this regard, the Commission notes that the definition of local programming set out in Commercial Radio Policy 1998, Public Notice CRTC 1998-41, 30 April 1998, states that licensees "must include spoken word material of direct and particular relevance to the community served, such as local news, weather and sports, and the promotion of local events and activities."
The Commission further notes that CHIM-FM already offers a religious spoken word and music service to the Timmins area.
For all the reasons set out above, the Commission denies the application by 1656810 Ontario Limited to acquire the assets of the low-power English-language FM radio programming undertaking CKTT-FM Timmins from Tri-Tel Communications Inc. and to operate the station as a commercial specialty FM radio undertaking offering religious programming.
Secretary General
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