ARCHIVED - Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-63

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Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2005-63

  Ottawa, 22 June 2005
  The Commission has received the following applications. The deadline for submission of interventions/comments is 27 July 2005.
  Item Applicant and Locality


Radio de la Baie ltée
Bathurst/Caraquet, New Brunswick


The Base Commander of Canadian Forces Base, Suffield Alberta (Lieutenant-Colonel Ken Steed) (CKBF-FM)
Wainwright, Alberta


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBXFT)
Red Deer, Alberta


TELUS Communications Inc.
Calgary, Edmonton (including St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain), Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Red Deer, Alberta; Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Penticton, Prince George, Terrace, Vancouver (including Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley), Vernon and Victoria, British Columbia


Corus Radio Company (CHMJ)
Vancouver, British Columbia


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CHAK)
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories
1. Bathurst/Caraquet, New Brunswick
Application No. 2004-1445-9
  Application by Radio de la Baie ltée to renew the licence of the French-language radio network with programming originating from CKLE-FM Bathurst/Caraquet, expiring 31 August 2005.
  Licensee's address:

195 Main Street
Bathurst, New Brunswick
E2A 1A7
Fax: (506) 546-6611
  Examination of application:

At the licensee's address

[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]

2. Wainwright, Alberta
Application No. 2005-0344-2
  Application by The Base Commander of Canadian Forces Base, Suffield Alberta (Lieutenant-Colonel Ken Steed) to amend the licence of  radio programming undertaking CKBF-FM Suffield by removing the transmitter CKBF-FM-1 Wainwright from the licence.
  Following the departure of the based British Armed Forces in the area, the licensee has advised the Commission that the transmitter is no longer necessary.
  Licensee's address:

Canadian Forces Base, Suffield
P.O. Box 6000
Station Main
Medicine Hat, Alberta
T1A 8K8
Fax: (403) 544-5052
  Examination of application:

Town of Wainwright
1018 2nd Avenue
Wainwright, Alberta

[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]

3. Red Deer, Alberta
Application No. 2005-0441-6
  Application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation relating to the licence of the television programming undertaking CBXFT Edmonton, Alberta.
  The licensee proposes to change the authorized contours of its transmitter CBXFT-4 Red Deer by increasing the average effective radiated power from 2,370 watts to 4,340 watts (maximum effective radiated power to 7,200 watts/antenna height to 215.7 metres).
  The licensee indicates that the above-noted technical changes are required because it intends to replace the antenna system for the purpose of accommodating its new English-language television service at Red Deer.
  Licensee's address:

181 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1K9
Fax: (613) 288-6257
  Examination of application:

Red Deer Post Office
3-5020 68th Street
Red Deer, Alberta

[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]

4. Calgary, Edmonton (including St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain), Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Red Deer, Alberta; Kamloops, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Penticton, Prince George, Terrace, Vancouver (including Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley), Vernon and Victoria, British Columbia
Application No. 2004-1490-5
  Application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) to amend the licences of its regional cable distribution undertakings in Alberta and British Columbia.
  First, TELUS requests the authority to distribute the same Part 2 Eligible satellite services and Canadian distant signals on the same basis as the incumbent in the market, regardless of when the incumbent received its authorization to distribute the services or signals on that basis, and without the need for a further regulatory process. TELUS proposes the following condition of licence:

The licensee is authorized to distribute, as part of the basic service, any Part 2 eligible satellite service and any distant television station that is not a Part 2 eligible satellite service that is authorized for distribution as part of the basic service within its licensed area by any licensee.

  Second, TELUS requests the authority to distribute the same ethnic audio programming services as the incumbent is authorized to distribute, regardless of when the incumbent received its authorization, and without the need for a further regulatory process. TELUS proposes the following condition of licence:

The licensee is authorized to distribute any audio programming service that is authorized for distribution within its licensed area by any licensee.

  Third, TELUS requests that it be authorized to receive directly through its own broadband facilities, at its option, any of the Canadian signals set out in the Lists of Eligible Satellite services that are otherwise required to be received from a licensed Satellite Relay Distribution Undertaking (SRDU). TELUS proposes the following condition of licence:

The licensee is authorized to receive directly through its own facilities, at its option, any Canadian signals which are otherwise required to be received from a licensed SRDU.

  Finally, TELUS requests that it be authorized to replace, at its option, any of its authorized U.S. 4+1 signals with the signal of a different affiliate of the same network located in the same time zone as that of the licensed area and received from a licensed SRDU. TELUS proposes the following condition of licence:

In addition to the services required or authorized to be distributed pursuant to the applicable section of the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations, the licensee is authorized, by condition of licence, to distribute, at its option and as part of either the basic service or its discretionary service, the signals of KOMO-TV (ABC), KIRO-TV (CBS), KING-TV (NBC), KCTS-TV (PBS) Seattle and KCPQ (FOX) Tacoma, or alternatively for each signal, the signal of a different affiliate of the same network located in the same time zone as that of the licensed area and received from a licensed SRDU.

  Licensee's address:

10020 - 100 Street, 21st Floor
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N5
Fax: (613) 597-8306
  Examination of application:

TELUS Plaza North
10025 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta

Chinook Centre
314-6455 MacLeod Trail South West
Calgary, Alberta

555 Robson Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

#91 - Hillside Mall
1644 Hillside Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia

[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]

5. Vancouver, British Columbia
Application No. 2005-0211-3
  Application by Corus Radio Company (Corus) to renew the licence of the commercial radio programming undertaking CHMJ Vancouver, expiring 31 August 2005.
  On 4 June 2004, the Commission issued Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2004-196 (Decision 2004-196) Complaint regarding the broadcast of an episode of The Tom Leykis Show on radio station CHMJ Vancouver. This decision was the result of a complaint from a radio listener regarding the content of a promotional spot and program identification message that aired on CHMJ during the 1 November 2002 broadcast of an episode of the U.S. syndicated radio program, The Tom Leykis Show. Based on its review of the logger tape of the program episode in question, the Commission found that Corus breached the prohibition against the broadcast of any abusive comment contained in the Radio Regulations, 1986 and failed to meet a number of Canadian broadcasting policy objectives set out in the Broadcasting Act, including the high standard provision.
  The Commission further noted in Decision 2004-196 that the licensee had ceased to broadcast the program.
  The Commission required Corus, as part of its licence renewal application, to provide a report on the measures and mechanisms it has in place to ensure that the content of the programming on CHMJ adheres at all times to the Act and the Radio Regulations, as well as on the implementation and effectiveness of these measures and mechanisms.
  In Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2005-101, 9 March 2005 (the decision) Complaint regarding the broadcast of an episode of Loveline on CHMJ, Vancouver,the Commission addressed a complaint regarding an episode of a U.S. syndicated radio program entitled Loveline that was broadcast by CHMJ. The episode was broadcast between 10:00 p.m. and midnight on 23 December 2002. The complainant requested that the Commission review the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) Decision 02/03-0459, 22 July 2003. The complaint was initially referred to the CBSC for resolution, since CHMJ is a CBSC member. Based on its review of the segment of the episode of Loveline at issue, the Commission found that, by broadcasting the episode, Corus failed to meet a number of Canadian broadcasting policy objectives set out in the Broadcasting Act, including the provision that provides that programming should be of high standard. The Commissionfound, however, that the licensee did not breach the provision contained in the Radio Regulations, 1986 that prohibits the broadcast of any abusive comment.
  As part of the current renewal application, the Commission received the report on the measures and mechanisms that Corus has in place to ensure full compliance.
  The licensee advised the Commission that CHMJ is now an all sports radio station.
  Licensee's address:

181 Bay Street
Suite 1630
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2T3
Fax: (416) 642-3779
  Examination of application:

700 Georgia Street West
Suite 2000
Vancouver, British Columbia

[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]

6. Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories
Application No. 2005-0529-0
  Application by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to amend the licence of radio programming undertaking CHAK Inuvik, Northwest Territories.
  The licensee proposes to add an AM transmitter atTuktoyaktuk to broadcast the programming of CHAK Inuvik in order to serve the population of Tuktoyaktuk.
  The transmitter would operate on frequency 1150 kHz with a transmitter power of 40 watts day-time and night-time.
  Licensee's address:

181 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 1K9
Fax: (613) 288-6257
  Examination of application:

Tuktoyaktuk Post Office
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories

[Broadcasting intervention/comments form]


Public Participation


Deadline for Interventions/Comments


27 July 2005

  The intervention must be received by the CRTC and by the applicant on or before the above-mentioned date. The Commission cannot be held responsible for postal delays.
  Your intervention will be considered by the Commission, and will form part of the public record of the proceeding without further notification to you, provided the procedure set out below has been followed. You will be contacted only if your submission raises procedural questions.
  Submit your written intervention to the Secretary General of the Commission in only one of the following formats:

by using the
Broadcasting Intervention/Comments Form

located below the description of each application within this public notice




by mail to
CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2




by fax at
(819) 994-0218

  A true copy must be sent to the applicant and proof that this has been done must accompany the intervention sent to the Commission.
  The Commission advises those who file and serve by electronic mode to exercise caution when using e-mail for service of documents or notification, as it may be difficult to establish that service has occurred.
  Before initiating service through electronic mode, please ensure that you will be able to satisfy the Commission, upon request, that service of the notification was completed.
  Where the intervention is filed by electronic means, the line ***End of document*** should be entered following the last paragraph of the document, as an indication that the document has not been damaged during electronic transmission.
  Each paragraph of the document should be numbered.
  Your intervention should clearly identify the application and indicate whether you support or oppose the application, or if you propose changes to it, include the facts and grounds for your proposal.
  All information submitted, including your email address, name and any other personal information as provided, will become part of the public record and can be viewed on the Commission's Web site.
  Documents sent in electronic format will be put on the Commission's Web site exactly as we received them, and in the official language and format in which they are sent. Documents not received electronically will be scanned and put on the Web site.
  Examination of Documents
  An electronic version of applications is available from the Commission's web site by selecting the application number within this notice.
  A list of all interventions/comments will also be available on the Commission's Web site. An electronic version of all interventions/comments submitted will be accessible from this list. To access the list, select "Lists of interventions/comments" under "Public Proceedings" from the Commission's Web site.
  Documents are also available during normal office hours at the local address provided in this notice and at the Commission offices and documentation centres directly involved with these applications or, upon request, within 2 working days, at any other CRTC offices and documentation centres.
  Central Building
Les Terrasses de la Chaudière
1 Promenade du Portage, Room 206
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0N2
Tel: (819) 997-2429 - TDD: 994-0423
FAX: (819) 994-0218
  Metropolitan Place
99 Wyse Road, Suite 1410
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3A 4S5
Tel: (902) 426-7997 - TDD: 426-6997
FAX: (902) 426-2721
  205 Viger Avenue West
Suite 504
Montréal, Quebec H2Z 1G2
Tel: (514) 283-6607
  55 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 624
Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2
Tel: (416) 952-9096
  Kensington Building
275 Portage Avenue, Suite 1810
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B3
Tel: (204) 983-6306 - TDD: 983-8274
FAX: (204) 983-6317
  Cornwall Professional Building
2125 - 11th Avenue, Room 103
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3X3
Tel: (306) 780-3422
  10405 Jasper Avenue, Suite 520
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3N4
Tel: (780) 495-3224
  530-580 Hornby Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3B6
Tel: (604) 666-2111 - TDD: 666-0778
FAX: (604) 666-8322
  Secretary General
  This document is available in alternative format upon request, and may also be examined in PDF format or in HTML at the following Internet site:


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