Telecom Order CRTC 2005-89
Ottawa, 7 March 2005
MTS Allstream Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notices 551 and 551A
Removal of items from the National Services Tariff
The Commission received an application by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream), dated 28 January 2005 and amended on 4 February 2005, to revise its Supplementary Tariff - Special Services and Facilities to accommodate the migration of the following items from the National Services Tariff (NST) to reflect the company's withdrawal of participation in the Bell Canada administered NST:
- NST item 300, Digital Network Services, migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6000;
- NST item 301, Digital Network Access (DNA), migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6001;
- NST item 302, Digital Private Line Service, migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6002;
- NST item 303, Managed Digital Private Line Service,
migrated to Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6003;
- NST item 304, Digital Private Line Solutions Service
Extension Features, migrated to Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6004;
- NST item 305, Digital Private Line Solutions Service Extension
Access Service, migrated to Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6005;
- NST item 306, Customer Volume Pricing Plan (CVPP), migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6006;
- NST item 307, Inter-Office Digital Channels, migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6007;
- NST item 308, Access Special Routing, migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 6008;
- NST item 402, Broadcast and Image for Occasional Use
- Domestic and Cross-Border, migrated to Tariff CRTC 24002, item 5170;
- NST item 403, Broadcast and Image Full Time Inter-Exchange
Broadcast-Quality Video Transmission Channel Service,
migrated to Tariff CRTC 24002, item 5180;
- NST item 790, Enhanced Card Swipe Access, migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 7310;
- NST item 901, Support Structure Service, migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 9600; and
- NST item 909, Card Swipe Access, migrated to
Tariff CRTC 24002, item 7300.
MTS Allstream also proposed to establish tariff item 6016, Forbearance of Inter-exchange Private Line Services, where at least one end of the service is located within its operating territory. MTS Allstream noted that both the existing NST item 16 and MTS Allstream's proposed tariff item 6016 will list forborne routes for those routes where one end is located within MTS Allstream's operating territory.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that there is no impact on the rates and charges or the terms and conditions of these services arising from the migration of these services from the NTS to MTS Allstream's tariff.
The Commission approves MTS Allstream's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this Order.
Secretary General
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