Telecom Order CRTC 2005-63
Ottawa, 18 February 2005
Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès des télécommunicateurs
Reference: Tariff Notice 39
Access services for interconnection with toll service providers
The Commission received an application by Société d'administration des tarifs d'accès des télécommunicateurs (SATAT), dated 13 January 2005, to revise General Tariff item 700, Access Services for Interconnection with Toll Service Providers, in order to increase from $4.75 to $94.75 the rate for pre-subscription indication in relation to interconnection with toll service providers. In addition, SATAT proposed housekeeping changes for access services relating to interconnection with toll service providers.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that the current service charge of $4.75, which applies for pre-subscription indication, was approved in Equal access, Order CRTC 2001-669, 20 August 2001, and that the rate has been charged since then.
The Commission also notes that SATAT supported its proposed rate of $94.75 with a tariff approved for Sogetel inc. in Interconnection with long distance service providers, Order CRTC 2001-667, 17 August 2001. The Commission further notes that SATAT indicated that there will be no impact on local subscribers and that the impact on toll service providers would not exceed $100 per company.
The Commission notes that the proposed housekeeping changes will have no material impact on rates or services provided.
In Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001-756, 14 December 2001 (Decision 2001-756), the Commission determined that the fourth basket of capped services would comprise all other services offered by the small incumbent local exchange carriers, such as optional services, multi-element service categories, special facilities tariffs and competitor access tariffs. It also determined that rates for these services would generally be permitted to increase up to any already approved rate for the same service. It stated that tariff applications could be submitted at any time and should reference when and where the Commission approved the rate.
The Commission finds that SATAT's proposed rates are in line with the determinations in Decision 2001-756.
The Commission approves SATAT's application.The revisions take effect as of the date of this Order.
Secretary General
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