Telecom Order CRTC 2005-41
Ottawa, 3 February 2005
MTS Allstream Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 549
Centrex Service
The Commission received an application by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream), dated 22 December 2004, to revise General Tariff item 1980, Centrex, and item 1987, Centrex PLUS.
Specifically, MTS Allstream proposed:
- a $1.00 increase to the monthly rates for non-contracted Centrex 3 and Centrex 5 customers in Bands A and B;
- increases ranging between $2.70 and $9.35 to the monthly rates for non-contracted Centrex 3 and Centrex 5 customers in Bands C, D, E, F and G;
- a $1.00 increase to the monthly rates for 3-year contract Centrex 3 and Centrex 5 customers in Bands A and B;
- increases ranging between $1.25 and $7.20 to the monthly rates for 3-year contract Centrex 3 and Centrex 5 customers in Bands C, D, E, F and G;
- a $0.50 increase to the monthly rates for 5-year contract Centrex 3 customers in Bands A and B;
- increases ranging between $1.10 and $6.40 to the monthly rates for 5-year contract Centrex 3 and Centrex 5 customers in Bands C, D, E, F and G;
- a $1.00 increase to the monthly rates for 1-year contract Centrex 3 PLUS and Centrex 5 PLUS customers in Bands A and B;
- a $1.00 increase to the monthly rates for 3-year contract Centrex 3 PLUS and Centrex 5 PLUS customers in Bands A and B; and
- a $0.50 increase to the monthly rates for 5-year contract Centrex 3 PLUS and Centrex 5 PLUS customers in Bands A and B.
MTS Allstream submitted that the proposed rate increases for the contracted Centrex service would provide a greater rate differential between 3-year and 5-year contracts. The company also submitted that the proposed changes to the contracted and non-contracted rates also are a step toward moving to a rate structure that more appropriately reflects the costs by rate band and would better align with the rates for individual line and multiline business services.
MTS Allstream also proposed to withdraw General Tariff item 2250, Centrex, an older, now destandardized version of Centrex, that no longer has any customers.
MTS Allstream further submitted that the proposal complied with the pricing constraints set out in Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002 (Decision 2002-34).
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
The Commission notes that in Decision 2002-34, Centrex service was classified as an uncapped service and, as a result, rate increases for Centrex service were not required to satisfy the price cap constraints.
The Commission approves MTS Allstream's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this Order.
Secretary General
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