Telecom Order CRTC 2005-404
Ottawa, 9 December 2005
Saskatchewan Telecommunications
Reference: Tariff Notice 88
Competitor Digital Network Services
The Commission received an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), dated 28 June 2005, to revise its Competitor Access Tariff item 650, Competitor Digital Network (CDN) Services, to add an OC-3 CDN Intra-exchange service.
The Commission received comments from MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) by letter dated 28 July 2005, and reply comments from SaskTel on 8 August 2005. SaskTel also provided responses to Commission interrogatories on 28 September 2005 and 21 October 2005.
Positions of parties
MTS Allstream submitted that in cases where neither of the wire centres serving the end-customers was designated as a "main" wire centre, a competitor would have to lease two intra-exchange channels. MTS Allstream further submitted that the mark-up used by SaskTel to establish its rate for the OC-3 CDN Intra-exchange service was too high.
In its reply comments, SaskTel submitted that in certain configurations it was appropriate to charge for two intra-exchange channels. SaskTel further submitted that its rates were established with consideration given to the cost of providing the service, the value of the service, and alternative offerings of the company.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission is satisfied that the service configuration and the application of the rates, terms and conditions as proposed by SaskTel are appropriate at this time.
The Commission is of the view that SaskTel's network topology may evolve such that direct intra-exchange facilities are available between all wire centres in an exchange. In that event, SaskTel is to file revised cost studies and proposed tariff pages for all of its CDN and Digital Network Access (DNA) Intra-exchange services.
The Commission considers that the rate for SaskTel's OC-3 CDN Intra-exchange service should be $642.52 per month because such a rate reflects SaskTel's cost estimate and the application of the mark-up for that service consistent with Competitor Digital Network Services, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-6, 3 February 2005.
In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis the application by SaskTel with tariff pages modified to specify a monthly rate of $642.52 for the OC-3 CDN Intra-exchange service.
SaskTel is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith.
Secretary General
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