Telecom Order CRTC 2005-390
Ottawa, 30 November 2005
Aliant Telecom Inc. - Introduction of rates for Competitor Digital Network access - DS-1, Bands E and F
Reference: Tariff Notices 173A and TN 173B
The Commission received two applications from Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom), Tariff Notice 173A (TN 173A) and Tariff Notice 173B (TN 173B), proposing to amend Tariff Notice 173 (TN 173). TN 173 proposed amendments to General Tariff item 612, Competitor Digital Network (CDN) Service, by introducing DS-1 level CDN access rates in Bands E and F across all Atlantic provinces, and was given interim approval in Telecom Order CRTC 2005-316 on 6 September 2005, with an effective date of 19 September 2005.
TN 173A, which was received on 6 October 2005, proposed the disclosure on the public record of certain information filed in confidence in connection with TN 173. TN 173B, which was received on 9 November 2005, proposed revisions to the DS-1 level CDN access rates in Bands E and F proposed in TN 173.
On 23 September 2005, MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) filed comments with respect to TN 173. Aliant Telecom filed reply comments on 6 October 2005.
Commission's analysis and determination
The Commission notes that the comments of MTS Allstream and Aliant Telecom address, among other things, the eligibility of circuits in Bands E and F for CDN rates for the period prior to 19 September 2005. The Commission further notes that this matter is among the issues that are the subject of a separate proceeding initiated by an application dated 7 September 2005 filed by Aliant Telecom in which MTS Allstream has provided comments. Given the relationship between Aliant Telecom's application and TNs 173, 173A and 173B, the Commission will address the issues raised by MTS Allstream's comments with respect to TN 173 in its final disposition of the TNs, following disposition of Aliant Telecom's application.
In light of the above and with a view to ensuring that the revised rates are available as soon as possible, the Commission approves on an interim basis Aliant Telecom's applications with respect to TNs 173A and 173B, effective 19 September 2005.
Secretary General
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