Telecom Order CRTC 2005-376-1
See also: 2005-376
Ottawa, 29 November 2005
TELUS Communications Inc.
Reference: TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. Tariff Notices 379 and 379A
Special facilities tariff for the sale of a customer-specific telecommunication network
The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraphs 1, 8, 16 and 17 of the English version of Special facilities tariff for the sale of a customer-specific telecommunication network, Telecom Order CRTC 2005-376, 18 November 2005 (Order 2005-376), as well as paragraphs 8, 16 and 17 of the French version. The corrections are in bold italic, and replace certain terms referred to in Order 2005-376 that did not accurately reflect the terminology used by the parties.
The second sentence of paragraph 1 of the English version should read as follows:
Specifically, the company requested approval of the sale and installation of switching equipment, terminal equipment, network management and security equipment, power equipment and optoelectronic transmission equipment that would cover two primary sites and 28 intermediary sites over 422 kilometres.
Paragraph 8 of the English version should read as follows:
In its further pleading, Xit télécom requested that TCI disclose on the public record the section of the contract that stipulated that the customer was to supply its own support structures. Xit télécom also requested that TCI be required to clarify whether it considered that cable sheaths and splice enclosures were part of support structures. Xit télécom argued that such information was important to assist in determining whether the customer had complied with the Cities and Towns Act. In addition, Xit télécom reiterated its request that TCI be required to disclose on the public record the number of fibres associated with the proposed SFT.
The first sentence of paragraph 16 of the English version should read as follows:
With respect to Xit télécom's request that TCI indicate whether it considers cable sheaths and splice enclosures to be part of support structures, the Commission notes that Xit télécom stated that such information was needed to determine whether the customer had complied with the Cities and Towns Act.
Paragraph 17 of the English version should read as follows:
In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis, TCI's application, with the tariff pages amended to indicate the number of fibres associated with the customer-specific telecommunication network.
Paragraph 8 of the French version should read as follows:
Dans un second mémoire, Xit télécom a demandé que TCI verse au dossier public la section du contrat stipulant que le client devait fournir ses propres structures de soutènement. De plus, Xit télécom a demandé que TCI soit contrainte de préciser si elle considérait ou non que les gaines de câble et les boîtiers de fusion faisaient partie des structures de soutènement. Xit télécom a soutenu qu'il fallait connaître ces renseignements pour déterminer si le client avait respecté la Loi sur les cités et villes. Enfin, Xit télécom a de nouveau demandé que TCI soit tenue de verser au dossier public le nombre de fibres assujetties au TMS proposé.
The first sentence of paragraph 16 of the French version should read as follows:
En ce qui concerne la demande de Xit télécom selon laquelle TCI devrait indiquer si elle considère ou non que les gaines de câble et les boîtiers de fusion font partie des structures de soutènement, le Conseil fait remarquer que Xit télécom a déclaré que de tels renseignements étaient nécessaires pour déterminer si le client avait respecté la Loi sur les cités et villes.
Paragraph 17 of the French version should read as follows:
À la lumière de ce qui précède, le Conseil approuve de manière définitive la demande de TCI, sous réserve d'une modification des pages du tarif pour y indiquer le nombre de fibres liées au réseau privé de télécommunication.
Secretary General
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