Telecom Order CRTC 2005-330
Ottawa, 21 September 2005
Aliant Telecom Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 171
Enhanced consumer access service
The Commission received an application by Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) dated 15 July 2005, proposing revisions to General Tariff item 300.1, Enhanced Consumer Access (ECA), to increase the number of features available to subscribers within the bundle.
In its application, Aliant Telecom submitted that ECA service consisted of a residential single line access with a choice of up to seven features for one inclusive monthly rate of $36, subject to the availability of suitable facilities. Aliant Telecom proposed to allow customers to select any or all of the 18 existing eligible features, subject to availability in their area, for the same monthly rate of $36. Aliant Telecom stated that the purpose of its proposal was to simplify communications to customers about the bundle and increase the value of the bundle by removing restrictions on the number of features.
Aliant Telecom filed an imputation test in support of its application. Aliant Telecom submitted that its imputation test demonstrated that the expected revenues would exceed the costs of the bundle and its cost inclusions conformed to the conditions required by the Commission for a general tariff bundle in Review of price floor safeguards for retail tariffed services and related issues, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-27, 29 April 2005.
The Commission granted interim approval to this application in Telecom Order CRTC 2005-280, 27 July 2005.
On 8 August 2005, the Commission received comments from Bragg Communications Inc., carrying on business as EastLink.
EastLink noted that Aliant Telecom had changed the language of General Tariff item 300.1.2 on the proposed tariff page from: "No service charges apply to enroll as an existing customer for Network Exchange Service. Standard Service Charges apply for new service installation", to: "No service charges apply to enrol".
EastLink argued that this change expanded the scope of the item so that it applied to new customers in addition to existing customers and, in effect, Aliant Telecom had removed service charges for customers selecting ECA service bundles. EastLink further argued that this was beyond the scope of the intended tariff application and Aliant Telecom had not filed information to support this change. EastLink requested that the Commission deny that element of Aliant Telecom's application.
In reply, on 15 August 2005, Aliant Telecom submitted that the change to the service charge statement on the proposed tariff page was inadvertent.
Aliant Telecom stated that it was not enrolment in ECA service that attracted standard service charges (SSCs), but the request for work for which a service charge applied. Aliant Telecom indicated that the original tariff statement was misleading because it implied SSCs only applied to new installations. Aliant Telecom submitted that SSCs were being applied to ECA services whenever the customer requested work for which there was a standard service charge, including moving an existing ECA service to another address or changing a telephone number.
Aliant Telecom argued that the wording inadvertently proposed in its application was more accurate than the original tariff wording and therefore the change should remain. Aliant Telecom stated, however, that it had no objection to adding a sentence that stated "Standard Service Charges in Item 255 apply", if so directed by the Commission.
Commission's analysis and determination
The Commission notes that Aliant Telecom's General Tariff item 255 sets out the SSCs that are applicable when Aliant Telecom performs work arising from a customer's request involving the installation, reconnection, move or change of service on Aliant Telecom's side of the network demarcation point. For residence customers, the SSCs cover activities related to work without a premise visit, work with a premise visit, incremental line charge, and record change charge.
In the Commission's view, the revised text in Aliant Telecom's application is no more accurate than the original, in that it does not accurately reflect when Aliant Telecom would apply SSCs.
Furthermore, the Commission does not consider that the additional sentence suggested by Aliant Telecom in its reply comments, "Standard Service Charges in Item 255 apply", would add any clarification, as it does not indicate under what circumstances they would be applicable or which customers would be affected.
The Commission considers that the statement "Standard Services Charges apply, except to an existing customer of Network Exchange Service enrolling for Enhanced Consumer Access service", would provide clarity with regard to the application of service charges.
With regard to Aliant Telecom's imputation test, the Commission is satisfied that the rates proposed in this application pass the imputation test.
In light of the above, the Commission approves on a final basis Tariff Notice 171, amended such that the tariff wording with regard to the application of service charges in item 300.1.2 reflects the modifications in paragraph 14 above.
Aliant Telecom is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith.
Secretary General
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