Telecom Order CRTC 2005-313
Ottawa, 1 September 2005
TELUS Communications Inc.
Reference: Tariff Notice 186
Wide Area Network Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line Service
The Commission received an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 30 June 2005, to introduce Carrier Access Tariff (CAT) item 227, Wide Area Network (WAN) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Service, and modify CAT item 217, Network-to-Network Interface (NNI). The WAN ADSL service would enable a competitive local exchange carrier or digital subscriber line service provider to establish a high-speed data access path between an end-user's premises and an NNI.
The Commission notes that comments were filed with respect to the application. The Commission will consider all comments when making its final determination on this application. The Commission further notes that both MTS Allstream Inc. and Bell Canada have requested interim approval of TCI's application in order to provide service to their customers. Additionally, the Commission notes that the rates proposed by TCI are lower than current rates under existing arrangements.
In light of the foregoing, the Commission approves on an interim basis TCI's application,effective the date of this Order.
The Commission considers it appropriate for TCI to track competitor demand for the Competitor WAN ADSL service, until final disposition of this application, in order to allow for any billing adjustments that may be required.
Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2005-09-01