Telecom Order CRTC 2005-31
Ottawa, 20 January 2005
Prince Rupert City Telephones
Reference: Tariff Notices 81 and 81A
Local Directory Assistance - Address Inquiry Service
The Commission received an application by Prince Rupert City Telephones (CityTel), dated 13 September 2004 and amended on 13 October 2004, proposing changes to General Tariff item 9 C, Local Directory Assistance - Rates. Specifically, CityTel proposed to introduce a new service - Canada and United States Address Inquiry with a charge of $0.95 per inquiry and to change the wording in the description from "Directory Assistance" to read "Canada and United States Directory Assistance".
The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.
Commission's analysis and determination
With respect to CityTel's proposal to introduce Canada and United States Address Inquiry, with a charge of $0.95 per inquiry, the Commission notes that in Regulatory framework for the small incumbent telephone companies, Decision CRTC 2001-756, 14 December 2001 (Decision 2001-756), it determined that the fourth service basket would comprise all other services (not in baskets 1, 2 and 3) offered by the small incumbent local exchange carriers, such as optional services, multi-element service categories, special facilities tariffs and competitor access tariffs. The Commission also determined that: (a) rates for these services would be permitted to increase up to an already approved rate for the same service; (b) tariff applications could be submitted at any time and should reference when and where the Commission approved the rate; and (c) for rate increases that go beyond an already approved rate, an economic study must accompany the application.
The Commission notes that the service proposed by CityTel is in the fourth service basket and the proposed rate is less than rates previously approved for a similar service provided by TELUS Communications Inc. The Commission is therefore satisfied that the proposed tariff meets the requirements set out in Decision 2001-756.
In light of the determinations in Operator services - Reverse search directory assistance, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-49, 22 July 2004 and in order to protect subscribers' privacy rights, the Commission considers that a number of additional safeguards are necessary. Specifically, CityTel is not to provide address information for non-published telephone numbers. As well, in order to maintain the effectiveness of current available privacy features, CityTel is to provide its subscribers with the choice to opt-out of having their address information made available through the address inquiry service. Further, CityTel is to ensure that, when an address inquiry is made, only address and postal code information is to be provided, and only at the same level of detail as in the local white pages directory.
The Commission has reviewed the proposed wording change in the description from "Directory Assistance" to "Canada and United States Directory Assistance" and finds it to be acceptable as it better describes the service being offered.
In light of the above, the Commission approves CityTel's application with the modifications below:
- CityTel is to add a new paragraph, item 9 D to its General Tariff, Local Directory Assistance - Address Inquiry to state:
i) Address information will not be provided for non-published telephone numbers.
ii) At the customer's request, CityTel will not disclose the customer's address information through Directory Assistance.
The revisions take effect as of the date of this Order.
The Commission directs CityTel to only provide address and postal code information at the same level of detail as in the local white pages directory.
CityTel is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith to reflect these changes.
Secretary General
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