Telecom Order CRTC 2005-279
Ottawa, 27 July 2005
Competitive Digital Network Services - Follow-up to Decision 2005-6
Reference: MTS Allstream TN 555; SaskTel TN 86; and Aliant Telecom TN 157
The Commission received applications by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream), Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) and Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom), dated 18 March 2005, 1 June 2005 and 13 April 2005, respectively, to revise their Competitive Digital Network (CDN) access service tariffs, pursuant to paragraphs 380 and 381 of Competitor Digital Network Services, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-6, 3 February 2005 (Decision 2005-6).
In paragraph 380 of Decision 2005-6, the Commission directed each incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) to provide the following information in their CDN tariffs, to be filed for approval, for each fibre-based CDN access service: protection status, whether included or excluded; the availability of protection upgrades; interface redundancy, whether standard or optional; the required number of optical ports and the number of customer interface ports for central office and customer premise equipment; the number of fibre strands required for interconnection; and identification and description of all other service options and their rates.
In paragraph 381 of Decision 2005-6, the Commission also directed each ILEC to file for approval, the rates, terms and conditions for any additional protection or improvement of restoration time guarantees that it intends to provide, along with supporting cost studies for each additional proposed rate element.
Pursuant to paragraph 380 of Decision 2005-6, MTS Allstream, SaskTel and Aliant Telecom filed applications as follows:
- MTS Allstream filed Tariff Notice 555 (TN 555) to revise its Supplementary Tariff Access Services for Interconnection with Carriers and Other Service Providers, Access Arrangements, item 125, Competitive Digital Network (CDN) Services;
- SaskTel filed Tariff Notice 86 (TN 86) to revise its Competitor Access Tariff, item 650.28, Competitive Digital Network (CDN) Services; and
- Aliant Telecom filed Tariff Notice 157 (TN 157) to revise its General Tariff, item 612, Competitive Digital Network Service.
In response to paragraph 381 of Decision 2005-6, MTS Allstream, SaskTel and Aliant Telecom indicated that they were not proposing additional rate elements or associated cost studies for approval at this time.
On 13 April 2005, Rogers Wireless Inc. (RWI) filed comments. On 25 April 2005, MTS Allstream filed reply comments. SaskTel and Aliant Telecom did not provide reply comments.
Position of parties
RWI requested that MTS Allstream and SaskTel introduce a tariff item, as exists for Bell Canada in its National Services Tariff - Digital Network Access (DNA), which explicitly provides for service protection of fibre-based DNA OC-3 and OC-12 access facilities.
In its reply comments, MTS Allstream indicated that it offered the CDN OC-12 access service on a protected basis, where both the working and protection fibres were contained in the same cable sheath, but could also make available, if requested by a competitor, a greater level of service protection. MTS Allstream further submitted that it would provide alternative protection options for CDN OC-12 access service, such as route diversity, on a case-by-case basis as a special assembly tariff, and would offer protection for CDN OC-3 access service when demand warrants its introduction.
Commission's analysis and determinations
The Commission considers that the applications filed by MTS Allstream, SaskTel and Aliant Telecom comply with the direction set out at paragraphs 380 and 381 of Decision 2005-6.
The Commission notes that in reply to RWI's request, MTS Allstream indicated that it provides service protection and interface redundancy associated with its CDN OC-12 access service and that it would provide a greater level of service protection if requested by a competitor. MTS Allstream stated that it is prepared to offer protection for the CDN OC-3 access service when demand warrants its introduction.
In regard to SaskTel, the Commission notes that the company does not provide service protection and interface redundancy to competitors for its CDN OC-3 and OC-12 access services.
The Commission further notes that Aliant Telecom indicated that it would make available, if requested by a competitor, service protection and interface redundancy for an additional charge based on the equipment installed and the expense incurred.
With respect to the provisioning of additional protection, the Commission notes that in Bell Canada - Competitive Digital Network Services - Follow-up to Decision 2005-6, Telecom Order CRTC 2005-234, 16 June 2005 (Order 2005-234), it approved Bell Canada's application to revise its Access Services Tariff, item 130, Competitive Digital Network Service, which identified the status protection for CDN OC-3 and OC-12 access services. The Commission considers that consistent with Order 2005-234, it is appropriate to require MTS Allstream, SaskTel and Aliant Telecom to provide service protection associated with CDN OC-3 and OC-12 access services, by way of either a special facilities tariff or a general tariff, upon receipt of a request from a competitor.
The Commission notes that in Telecom Order CRTC 2005-124, 4 April 2005, it made interim, effective 18 April 2005, MTS Allstream TN 555.
The Commission approves on a final basis MTS Allstream TN 555, and approves Aliant Telecom TN 157 and SaskTel TN 86.
The Commission directs MTS Allstream, SaskTel and Aliant Telecom to file, on receipt of a request by a competitor for additional CDN access service protection, proposed tariff pages with a supporting economic study.
Secretary General
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