Telecom Order CRTC 2005-251
Ottawa, 6 July 2005
Aliant Telecom Inc. and Bell Canada
Reference: Aliant Telecom Tariff Notice 166 and
Bell Canada Tariff Notice 860 (National Services Tariff)
Digital network access service and digital switched service
Further to Aliant Telecom Inc.'s (Aliant Telecom's) letter to the Commission dated 20 May 2005, the Commission received an application by Aliant Telecom, dated 1 June 2005, proposing to reduce the rates for Digital Network Access Service and DS-1 Intra-exchange Channels. Aliant Telecom also proposed to increase the rates for PSTN Connectivities and the Measured Rate Option for Digital Switched Service and to grandfather the Measured Rate Option.
Coincident with Aliant Telecom's application, the Commission received an application by Bell Canada, dated 1 June 2005, proposing changes to the National Services Tariff item 301, Digital Network Access, to revise Aliant Telecom's rates for DS-1 Intra-exchange channels.
Aliant Telecom noted that these applications were filed as part of the company's 2005 annual price cap filing.
In Telecom Order CRTC 2005-224, 10 June 2005, the Commission approved, on an interim basis, Aliant Telecom's and Bell Canada's applications effective 1 June 2005.
The Commission received no comments with respect to the applications.
The Commission notes that in Aliant Telecom Inc. - Other capped services, Telecom Order CRTC 2005-210, 30 May 2005, the Commission made interim, effective 1 June 2005, Aliant Telecom's rates for the services in the Other Capped Services basket pending the Commission's determination on the rate proposals that the company would file pursuant to its letter of 20 May 2005.
The Commission approves on a final basis Aliant Telecom's and Bell Canada's applications, and Aliant Telecom's rates for services in the Other Capped Services basket.
Secretary General
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