Telecom Order CRTC 2005-24
Ottawa, 14 January 2005
Bell Canada
Reference: Tariff Notices 6839 and 6839A
Centrex III Service
The Commission received an application by Bell Canada, dated 8 November 2004, proposing revisions to its General Tariff item 675, Centrex III Service, regarding the terms and conditions for Centrex Data Locals and Centrex Microlink Access.
For Centrex Data Locals, Bell Canada proposed to eliminate the price differential between Single Wire-Centre service and Multiple Wire-Centre service, to eliminate the volume discounts associated with Minimum Contract Periods (MCP) and to eliminate termination charges if the customer wishes to terminate the MCP early. In addition, the company proposed to honour MCP contracts for existing customers, until the end of their current terms, after which customers would be charged the monthly rate for this service.
For Centrex Microlink Access service, Bell Canada proposed to destandardize the MCP options for this service. The company proposed to honour MCP contracts for existing customers, until the end of their current terms, after which customers would be charged the monthly rate for this service. Bell Canada noted that the service would continue to be generally available on a monthly basis. In addition, Bell Canada proposed to eliminate the price differential for Centrex Microlink Access service between Single Wire-Centre service and Multi-Wire-Centre service.
Bell Canada proposed rate increases ranging from 2.6% to 30.2% for Centrex Data Locals and from 4.7% to 15.2% for Centrex Microlink Access.
The Commission received comments by MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream), dated 8 December 2004.
MTS Allstream noted the proposed waiver of termination charges for customers of Centrex Data Locals and requested that this early contract termination without penalty should also be extended to customers of Centrex Microlink Access. The company noted that the absence of such an option would significantly increase competitor costs.
In its reply, Bell Canada agreed with MTS Allstream's request and, on 16 December 2004, filed Tariff Notice 6839A providing for the waiver of termination charges for Centrex Microlink Access customers who opt for early termination of their contracts.
The Commission notes that in Regulatory framework for second price cap period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002, Centrex III Service and the associated optional features were assigned to the Uncapped services basket. Accordingly, the Commission considers that the proposed rate increases are in accordance with the existing regulatory framework.
The Commission notes that Bell Canada requested that this application be approved effective 17 January 2005.
The Commission approves on an interim basis Bell Canada's application as amended by Tariff Notice 6839A. The revisions take effect as of 17 January 2005.
Secretary General
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