ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8623-C12-05/05

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Ottawa, 23 December 2005

File #: 8623-C12-05/05

To Recipient

Dear Sir or Madam,

Telecommunications Industry Data Collection - Information Sessions

The CRTC annually collects data through its web-based Data Collection System (DCS) for, amongst other things, the updating of CRTC registration lists, telecommunications fees, the Canadian contribution mechanism fund administration, international licenses and Monitoring of the Canadian telecommunications industry.

Data collection for the annual period ending 31 December 2005 will begin in mid-January 2006. Based on your input from previous information sessions, extensive changes have been made to the data collection forms that have resulted in the elimination of a significant amount of data points requested. In addition, a number of forms have been eliminated and/or consolidated.

In order to explain these changes and to assist those responsible for submitting annual information to the CRTC, information sessions will be held across the country. These information sessions will also provide an opportunity for you to provide your comments and concerns with respect to the forms, process and DCS.

The Information sessions will be held in the following cities in January and February 2006.   The exact timing and location of the sessions will announced at at the beginning of January 2006. 

20 January                                Ottawa
23 January                                Toronto
24 January                                Halifax
7 February                                Vancouver
10 February                              Calgary
15 February                              Montréal
16 February                              Montréal

If you have any questions regarding the upcoming information sessions you can contact us by phone at (819) 953-0795 or by e-mail at . In order for us to process your e-mail please include "information session" in the subject line of the e-mail.

Steve Malowany
Manager, Financial and Technical Reports
Tel: 819-953-2167
Fax: 819-953-7811

Date Modified: 2005-12-23

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