ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8740-T42-200515265 & 8740-T46-200515257

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Ottawa, 16 December 2005

File No.:   8740-T42-200515265 & 8740-T46-200515257

By E-mail

Terry Connolly
Director, Regulatory Affairs
Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Inc.
21-10020-100 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N5

Dear Mr. Connolly :

Re:  TCI Tariff Notice 554 and TCBC Tariff Notice 4240

On 14 December 2005 , the Commission received from TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), TCI Tariff Notice 554 and TCBC Tariff Notice 4240, proposing revisions to the company's Resale and Sharing tariffs for Alberta and British Columbia .   The company requested that the Commission grant approval of the proposed tariff revisions with an effective date of 20 January 2006 .

In view of the company's requested effective date, which is beyond the 25 calendar day period for comments, the Commission will not issue an interim decision on these filings.   The Commission will render its decision on TCI Tariff Notice 554 and TCBC Tariff Notice 4240 after the 25 day comment period has expired, and within 45 business days.

Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by S. Bédard '



Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs

c.c.:   Bob Martin CRTC (819) 953-3361

Date Modified: 2005-12-16

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