ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8665-C12-200507212

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Ottawa, 16 November 2005

Our file: 8665-C12-200507212

By Electronic mail

To:  Interested Parties to Public Notice 2005-7

Dear Sir/Madam: 

Re: Access to information contained in the incumbent local exchange carriers' Emergency 9-1-1 databases for the purpose of providing a Community Notification Service, Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2005-7, 22 June 2005 (Public Notice 2005-7)

This letter modifies the procedure in the above-noted proceeding and addresses the need for further responses to interrogatories filed with the Commission.

Responses to the Commission's interrogatories, dated 9 September 2005, were filed with the Commission by the County of Strathcona (Strathcona on behalf of the Applicants) on 29 September 2005; TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream), NorthwesTel Inc. (NorthwesTel) and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (Privacy Commissioner) on 30 September 2005; Bell Canada, Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc. (SaskTel) on 7 October 2005; and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) on 13 October 2005.

Part I - Requests for further responses to interrogatories

Commission staff notes that parties did not address any interrogatories to any other parties who filed comments in this proceeding.   Consequently, the Commission received no requests from parties to the proceeding for further responses to their interrogatories.

Commission staff also notes that the Commission received no requests for public disclosure of information for which confidentiality has been claimed. 

Commission staff considers that, to the extent that some of the parties to the proceeding did not reply in full to the Commission's interrogatories of 9 September 2005 , and to the extent that further information is relevant and required, the parties in question are to provide further responses to the interrogatories as set out in Attachment 1 to this letter.

Parties are to file with the Commission, all further responses to the interrogatories, by 30 November 2005 , serving a copy on all interested parties by the same date.

Part II - Modification to Procedure

Having regard to the above considerations and pursuant to Commission staff's letter addressed to all parties on 4 November 2005 , Commission staff considers it appropriate to modify the remaining procedure in the proceeding.   Accordingly, the procedure set out in Public Notice 2005-7, as amended by letter dated 30 September 2005 , is modified as set out below:

Paragraph 31

A determination with respect to requests for further information and public disclosure will be issued as soon as possible.   Any information to be provided pursuant to that determination will be filed with the Commission and served on all other parties by 30 November 2005 .

Paragraph 32

Parties may file written argument with the Commission, serving a copy on all other parties by 14 December 2005 .

Paragraph 33

Parties may file written reply argument with the Commission, serving a copy on all other parties by 9 January 2005 .

Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.

Yours sincerely,


Gerry Lylyk
Director, Consumer Affairs

c.c.:  Interested Parties to PN 2005-7
       Sylvie Beaudoin, CRTC



Attachment 1 

Parties are to file further responses to the following interrogatories as set-out below:

Aliant(CRTC)09Sept05-106, part a)

Aliant is required to file all relevant information (e.g. reports, report summaries or conclusions) with respect to the provincial prototype Community Notification Service referenced in its response to the interrogatory.

SaskTel( CRTC)09Sept05-204

SaskTel is required to file all relevant information (e.g. reports, report summaries or conclusions) with respect to the entities providing emergency notification services to the public, and the various methods and sources data utilized to provide those services, referenced in its response to the interrogatory.


TCI is required to file a full and complete response to the interrogatory.


TCI is required to file a full and complete response to the interrogatory.


TCI is required to file all relevant information (e.g. reports, report summaries or conclusions) with respect to the Community Notification Service systems delivered by TCI which are in place within Canada , referenced in its answer to the interrogatory.

Bell (CRTC)09Sept05-107part c)

Bell Canada is required to file all relevant information (e.g. reports, report summaries or conclusions) associated with the Company's Community Notification Service pilot conducted in 2003, referenced in its answer to the interrogatory.

The Privacy Commissioner (CRTC)09Sept05-303

The Privacy Commissioner is required to file a response to the interrogatory.

Strathcona on behalf of the Applicants(CRTC)09Sept05-203

The County of Strathcona (on behalf of the Applicants) is required to file any relevant reports, and if none exist a summary, detailing the operation, design and management of each of the currently operating Community Notification Service telephone-based systems managed and operated within the Applicants' identified Communities, including any relevant conclusions with regard to those systems.

Strathcona on behalf of the Applicants(CRTC)09Sept05-204

The County of Strathcona is required to file further information with respect to Community Notification Service providers in the United-States, referenced in its response to the interrogatory, by providing any relevant reports, conclusions or summaries related to the operation, design and management of these systems, in the context of the proceeding.

Date Modified: 2005-11-16

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