ARCHIVED - Telecom - 8740-S4-200511867 - Commission Letter

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Ottawa, 26 October 2005

File No .: 8740-S4-200511867   

Via E-mail

Louise Bégin
111 12-No vembre Street
Nicolet, Quebec   J3T 1S3

Dear Ms. Bégin:

SUBJECT:   Tariff Notices 125 & 125/A

On 13 October 2005 , the Commission received an application from Sogetel under cover of Tariff Notice 125 seeking Commission approval for the application of Sogetel's general tariff to Téléphone de St-Liboire-de-Bagot subscribers effective 1 January 2006 .

On 24 October 2005 , the Commission received an amendment to Sogetel's application under cover of Tariff Notice No. 125/A, adding information to this file.

Commission staff is of the view that significant effort will be required to analyse this file in full.   Accordingly, the Commission intends to issue its decision within 45 business days of filing of the application.  


[original signed by Christine Bailey for]


Suzanne Bédard
Senior Manager, Tariffs Telecommunications

c.c.: Joëlle Bernier, CRTC, 819-994-0551

Date Modified: 2005-10-26

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