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Ottawa, 16 August 2005                                       

File Nos.: 8638-C12-200410465, 8740-T42-200411182, 8740-T46-200411190, 8740-B2-200500498, 8740-S22-200500464, 8740-A53-200500414         

To:  Attached Distribution List

Re: Follow-up Items to Decision 2004-46: Trunking Arrangements for the interchange of traffic at the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers - Cost Studies

As part of the follow-up to Trunking arrangements for the interchange of traffic and the point of interconnection between local exchange carriers , Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-46, 14 July 2004, (Decision 2004-46), the Commission has received cost studies used for determination of proposed rates for termination of Competitor Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC) intra-Local Interconnection Region (LIR) traffic from Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant) , Bell Canada, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) , and TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI). MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) did not submit cost studies because, in their view, the rates for termination of CLEC intra-LIR traffic would not be different from their existing rates for the exchange-based regime.  

Interveners have provided comments on the rates proposed by each Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC). Commission staff requires additional information in order to assess the proposed rates for termination of CLEC intra-LIR traffic. Accordingly, each ILEC is requested to respond to the interrogatories addressed to them in a companion letter and attachment.

Commission staff sets out the following process for each ILEC to respond to the interrogatories, and to allow parties to comment on the responses:

Responses to interrogatories                  16 September 2005

Comments                                            30 September 2005

 Reply Comments                                    7 October 2005

The above material is to be filed and served on all other parties by the dates set out above, and must be received, not merely sent, by those dates.

Yours sincerely,

(original signed by Doug Thurston for Yvan Davidson)

Yvan Davidson
Senior Manager,
Competitor Services and Costing

Cc: Tom Vilmansen (819) 997 9253


Date Modified: 2005-09-09

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