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Report on the Economic Evaluation of the Introduction/Tariff Revision of General Tariffed (GT) Service (specify) or GT Service Bundle (specify) or Competitor Service (specify)


Ottawa, 13 May 2005


1.0      GENERAL

1.1      Purpose of the Study

1.         Details on the purpose of the cost study are to be provided. For instance, this section should identify if the study is in support of a general tariffed (GT) service introduction, a GT service bundle introduction, a Competitor service introduction, or a change to an existing GT service or GT service bundle such as the introduction of a new feature or a modification to the rate structure.

2.          Details on the marketing rationale are to be provided.

3.             If the changes to an existing service (GT, GT service bundle, or Competitor service) are straight-forward changes to the existing rates, sections 2 and sub-section 3.2 below may be omitted. Furthermore, in accordance with the Commission's letter dated 27 November 1998 re: The imputation test methodology for local services (the November 1998 Commission letter), the economic study report is not required for an implicit or explicit rate increase of an existing GT service. However in such instance, the application should provide a detailed description of the initiative and the tariff revisions, and provide an estimate of the overall weighted average price change based on the demand associated with the service proposal. Such information can be provided in the tariff application filing letter.


4.          In the case of a new GT service, a new GT service bundle, a new Competitor service or a new tariff element of an existing GT service, a general description of the service/tariff element being introduced is to be provided.

5.          In the case of a revision to an existing service, a detailed description of the initiative is to be provided.

2.1       Service Characteristics

6.          Details about the service being introduced are to be provided.  This may include, for example, services being bundled (if applicable), specific functionalities, customer eligibility, contract options, network requirements, and any other information that provides a clear understanding of the service/tariff element being introduced. Diagrams of the network elements included in the proposed service and their interconnection are to be provided if they enhance the understanding of the service/tariff element.

2.2       Service Benefits

7.          Details about the benefits that customers will realize when they subscribe to the new service/tariff element(s) are to be provided.

2.3       Marketing Considerations

8.          Details about the target market for the new service/tariff element(s) or rate change(s) are to be provided.


3.1       Tariff Components

9.         In the case of a new GT service, a new GT service bundle, a new Competitor service or a revision to an existing service, the proposed rates and charges by major tariff component are to be provided.

Tariff Components Recurring Rates One-time Charges
  (e.g., monthly) (e.g., service charges or admin.fees)
Component 1 (specify)    
Component 2 (specify)    


3.2       Rate Determination Principles

10.        Rationale for the rates being proposed is to be described in this section. This could include, for instance, statements related to pricing relative to alternative offerings. References to any regulatory directives pertaining to price levels are to be provided in this section.

3.3       Proposed Service Commencement Date

11.        The proposed launch date for the new service/tariff element(s) or revised service is to be provided.


12.       An imputation test is to be filed with all tariff applications involving the introduction of a new GTservice, a new GT service bundle, a new Competitor service and/or new service features of an existing GTservice, or an implicit or explicit price decrease of an existing GTservice. The imputation test must be filed in accordance with the imputation test methodology as set out in the November 1998 Commission letter and the Commission's letter dated 5 January 2001 re: Decision CRTC 2000-150 SaskTel - Transition to Federal Regulation Imputation Test Methodology. These decisions were subsequentlyamended by Issues related to imputation test methodology - Rebanding decision follow-up, Decision CRTC 2001-737, 29 November 2001, and Review of price floor safeguards for retail tariffed services and related issues, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-27, 29 April 2005 (Decision 2005-27), and other relevant decisions or orders.[1]

13.         Note that in accordance with Telecom Order CRTC 90-779, 24 July 1990, the filing of an imputation test is not required for a new service expected to have ten or fewer subscribers and a total monthly charge of less than $2000 or the equivalent thereof. Furthermore, in accordance with the November 1998 Commission letter, an imputation test is not required for an implicit or explicit rate increase of an existing GT service.

14.       The results of the imputation test for the GT service are to be provided in this section. The total present worth of revenues and costs within the study period and the revenue and cost per unit are to be provided. Two formats are illustrated, one for GT (stand-alone) services (refer to Tables 1 and 2 below), and one for GT service bundles (refer to Tables 3 and 4 below). A further breakdown of the Phase II cost component is to be provided by major expense and capital category in the Detailed Summary of Phase II Costs table (refer to Table 7 below). In the case of a GT service bundle, the Detailed Summary of Phase II Costs table is to be provided separately for each major service component within the bundle, whether forborne or not, that represents more than 10 percent of the total service cost, and for the costs causal to the service bundle. It is noted that the tables of this report may be provided as EXCEL attachments to the report.

15.       In the exceptional situations where providing revenue and costs per unit is not appropriate, rationale is to be provided.

16.       For local exchange services or service bundles that include local exchange services, the imputation test is to be provided at the rate band level. Further, if the service/tariff element(s) being introduced or revised is offered only in specific rate bands, then the imputation test is to be provided for the rate bands being affected by the introduction or revision of the service/tariff element.

17.         If the service contains rates differentiated by market segment and/or technology, then the imputation test is to be provided for each distinct market segment and/or technology (e.g. by service speed or bandwidth, residential or business).

18.       If the service requires the company to acquire services from third parties, then these acquisition costs and the associated demand are to be shown separately.

19.        If the service contains rates that are based on volume or length of the contract period, the lowest per unit rate element in the volume / contract period tariff grid is to be identified and an imputation test is to be provided for the lowest per unit rate element in the volume / contract period tariff in each rate band (refer to Table 2A below).

Table 1
Imputation Test Format for GT Service (specify)
Total Present Worth of Revenues and Cost within Study Period<

  Present Worth of
  Revenue Phase II Costs Category I Competitor Services at Tariff 3rd-Party Acquisition Costs Total Costs Difference % Mark-up
  ($K or M) ($K or M) ($K or M) ($K or M) ($K or M) ($K or M) (%)
  (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) = b+c+d (f)= a - e = f / e
  (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5) (Note 5)  
Band A*              
Band B*              
Band C*              
Band D*              
Band E*              
Band F*              
Band G*              
Costs Causal to Service              
Total for              
(Note 5)              

*:  Includes costs causal to demand of service or costs causal to demand by rate band for local exchange services.


  1. Reflects the average total service revenue per unit (specify) per month.
  2. Includes costs for all service components other than Category I competitor services (or equivalent service functionalities), excluding cross-effects as per Decision 97-8, and including the costs of incorporating the acquired 3rd-party services as part of the service.
  3. Category I competitor services as set out in Appendix 1 of Regulatory Framework for Second Price Cap Period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002, and any relevant subsequent decisions or orders regarding Category I competitor services (e.g., CDN DS-0 and DS-1 accesses).
  4. Costs of services acquired from 3rd-parties.
  5. Totals may not balance due to rounding.

Table 2
Imputation Test Format for GT Service (specify)
Revenue & Cost per Unit per Month
(20NN $)

  Revenue Phase II Costs Category I Competitor Services at Tariff 3rd-Party Acquisition Costs Total Costs Difference % Mark-up
  $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit (%)
  per month per month per month per month per month per month  
  (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5) (Note5)  
Band A*              
Band B*              
Band C*              
Band D*              
Band E*              
Band F*              
Band G*              
Costs Causal to Service              
Total for              
(Note 5)              

*: Includes costs causal to demand of service or costs causal to demand by rate band for local exchange services.


  1. Reflects the average total service revenue per unit (specify) per month
  2. ncludes costs for all service components other than Category I competitor services (or equivalent service functionalities), excluding cross-effects as per Decision 97-8, and including the costs of incorporating the acquired 3rd-party services as part of the service.
  3. Category I competitor services are to be imputed at the applicable tariffed rates. The list of Category I competitor services is provided in Appendix 1 of Regulatory Framework for Second Price Cap Period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002, as amended due to any relevant subsequent decisions or orders regarding Category I competitor services (e.g., CDN DS-0 and DS-1 accesses).
  4. Costs of services acquired from 3rd-parties.
  5. Totals may not balance due to rounding.

Table 2a
Imputation Test Format for Service Element offered at Term and Volume Contracts
Revenue & Cost per Unit per Month
for the Lowest Per Unit Rate in the Volume/Contract Period Tariff Grid (20NN $)

  Revenue Phase II Costs Category I Competitor Services at Tariff 3rd-Party Costs Total Costs Difference % Mark-up
  $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit (%)
  per month per month per month per month per month per month  
  (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3) (Note 4) (Note 5) (Note 5)  
Service rate element a              
Band A rate element a              
Band B rate element b              
Band C rate element c              
Band D rate element d              
Band E rate element e              
Band F rate element f              
Band G rate element g              


  1. Reflects the average total service revenue per unit (specify) per month at the lowest rate (specify).
  2. Includes costs for all service components other than Category I competitor services (or equivalent service functionalities), excluding cross-effects as per Decision 97-8, and including the costs of incorporating the acquired 3rd-party services as part of the service.
  3. Category I competitor services are to be imputed at the applicable tariffed rates. The list of Category I competitor services is provided in Appendix 1 of Regulatory Framework for Second Price Cap Period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002, as amended due to any relevant subsequent decisions or orders regarding Category I competitor services (e.g., CDN DS-0 and DS-1 accesses).
  4. Costs of services acquired from 3rd-parties.
  5. Totals may not balance due to rounding.

Table 3
Imputation Test Format of GT Service Bundle (specify)
Total Present Worth of Revenues & Cost within the Study Period

  Revenue Phase II & Other Costs Total Costs Difference % Mark-up
    Major component(s) Other components Major Acquired Service(s) Other Acquired Services Category I Competitor Service(s) at Tariff Other Elements Imputed at Tariff      
  ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) ($M) (%)
  (Note 1) (Notes 2,3) (Notes 2,4) (Note 5) (Note 6) (Note 7) (Note 8) (Notes 9,10) (Note 10)  
Band A*                    
Band B*                    
Band C*                    
Band D*                    
Band E*                    
Band F*                    
Band G*                    
Costs Causal to Bundle                    
Total for Bundle                    
(Note 10)                    

*: Includes costs causal to demand of service bundle or costs causal to demand by rate band for service bundles that contain local exchange services


  1. Reflects the total service bundle revenue
  2. Includes costs for all service components other than acquisition costs and costs for Category I competitor services (or equivalent service functionalities) and other elements imputed at the applicable tariffed rates; also includes costs associated with incorporating the acquired 3rd-party services as part of the service bundle. These costs are to exclude cross-effects as per Decision 97-8.
  3. Costs associated with each major service component (whether forborne or not) representing more than 10% of the total service bundle cost are to be provided in a separate column; a detailed cost summary is to be provided using the format of Table 7.
  4. Other components should include each service component for which the cost is less than 10% of the total service bundle cost. The note should list these service components.
  5. Acquisition costs of major acquired services (a major acquired service is defined as one where the acquisition cost represents more than 10% of the total service bundle cost). The table entry provides the total costs of these services.
  6. Acquisition costs of services, other than those covered in note 4 that are acquired from third parties and included in the bundle. The table entry provides the total costs of these services.
  7. Category I competitor services are to be imputed at the applicable tariffed rates. The list of Category I competitor services is provided in Appendix 1 of Regulatory Framework for Second Price Cap Period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002, as amended due to any relevant subsequent decisions or orders regarding Category I Competitor services (e.g., CDN DS-0 and DS-1 accesses).
  8. Residential local exchange services, in-territory residential local VOIP services, and non-forborne IXPL service elements are to be imputed at tariffs.
  9. Costs causal to the service bundle are to be reported in the Total Costs column; a detailed cost summary is to be provided using the format of Table 7.
  10. Totals may not balance due to rounding

Table 4
Imputation Test Format of GT Service Bundle (specify)
Revenues & Cost per Bundle<
(20NN $)

  Revenue Phase II & Other Costs Imputed Elements Total Costs Difference % Mark-up
    Major Components Other Components Major Acquired service Other Acquired Services Category I Competitor Services at Tariff Other Elements Imputed at Tariff      
  $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit $ per unit (%)
  per month per month per month per month per month per month per month per month per month  
  (Note 1) (Notes 2,3) (Note 4) (Note 5) (Note 6) (Note 7) (Note 8) (Notes 9,10) (Note 10)  
Band A*                    
Band B*                    
Band C*                    
Band D*                    
Band E*                    
Band F*                    
Band G*                    
Costs Causal to Bundle                    
Bundle Total                    
(Note 10)                    

*: Includes costs causal to demand of service bundle or costs causal to demand by rate band for service bundles that contain local exchange services


  1. Reflects the average total service revenue per unit (specify) per month
  2. Includes costs for all service components other than acquisition costs and costs for Category I competitor services (or equivalent service functionalities) and other elements imputed at the applicable tariffed rates; also includes costs associated with incorporating the acquired 3rd-party services as part of the service bundle. These costs are to exclude cross-effects as per Decision 97-8.
  3. Costs associated with each major service component (whether forborne or not) representing more than 10% of the total service bundle cost are to be provided in a separate column; a detailed cost summary is to be provided using the format of Table 7.
  4. Other Services should include each service component for which the cost is less than 10% of the total service bundle cost. The note should list the services and each service's percentage of the total costs.
  5. Acquisition costs of major acquired services (a major acquired service is defined as one where the acquisition cost represents more than 10% of the total service bundle cost). The table entry provides the total costs of these services.
  6. Acquisition costs of services other than those covered in note 4 that are acquired from third parties and included in the bundle. The table entry provides the total costs of these services.
  7. Category I competitor services are to be imputed at the applicable tariffed rates. The list of Category I competitor services is provided in Appendix 1 of Regulatory Framework for Second Price Cap Period, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-34, 30 May 2002, as amended due to any relevant subsequent decisions or orders regarding Category I competitor services (e.g., CDN DS-0 and DS-1 accesses).
  8. Residential local exchange services, in-territory residential local VOIP services, and non-forborne IXPL service elements are to be imputed at tariffs.
  9. Costs causal to the service bundle are to be reported in the Total Costs column; a detailed cost summary is to be provided using the format of Table 7.
  10. Totals may not balance due to rounding.


5.1 Forecast Assumptions and Methodology

20.        Information is to be provided on how the demand forecasts were developed for the units of the service's major demand driver(s) and for the units of demand for the new tariff element(s).This information may include a description of the methods and information used to estimate demand; for example, databases and/or models used, market research, and assumptions as well as the supporting rationale for the methodology(ies) of choice.

5.2 Estimates of Demand Quantities

21.        The estimated demand quantities of year‑end or annual units of the major demand driver(s) used to develop revenues and costs of the proposed GT service or service bundle are to be provided (see Table 5 below). These may include the units of demand of the major service component(s), the units of demand for the new tariff element, the units of demand for each third-party component and/or each Category I competitor service component and/or other elements imputed at tariff.

Table 5
Year-end or Annual demand estimates (Specify)

Services (Specify) Yr 0** Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr SP*** PWOD****

Major service component(s)
Other demand drivers*

*Other demand drivers may include: major 3rd-Party component(s), Category I competitor service component(s), and components imputed at tariff where a major component is defined as one with a cost or imputed cost representing more than 10% of the total service bundle costbr /> ** Yr 0 : In-service demand at time 0 for existing services
*** SP : Last year in the study period (SP)
**** PWOD: Present worth of demand

22.        For those services for which an All Carriers approach[2] services is required, annual year‑end demand forecasts are to be provided for ILECs and competitors, separately.

23.        For local exchange services or service bundles that include local exchange services,demand by rate band is to be provided.


24.        The Phase II costs are to be determined in accordance with the Phase II costing principles set out in Inquiry into Telecommunications Carriers' Costing and Accounting Procedures - Phase II: Information Requirements for New Service Tariffs Filings, Telecom Decision CRTC 79-16, 28 August 1979 (Decision 79-16), excluding cross-effects as per Decision 94-19, and as amended by subsequent Commission decisions[3].

25.        Pre-introduction costs associated with this service proposal are $_____.

6.1 Study Assumptions

26.        Specific study assumptions are to be provided (including retrospective capital increase factors, expense increase factors and productivity improvement factors, and the vintages of unit cost data used).

6.2 Study Period

27.        The study period is to be noted in this section by stating the month and year of the start of the period and the end of the period.

6.3 Financial Parameters and Tax Rates

28.        The financial parameters and tax rates used in the study are provided in Table 6 below.

Table 6
Financial Parameters and Tax Rates

Cost of Capital:
Cost of Debt:
Debt Ratio:
Return on Equity Common:
Variable Common Cost Factor:
Income Tax Rate:
Capital Miscellaneous Tax Rate:
Large Corporation Tax Rate:
Percent Revenue Charge Rate:
Other Tax Rates (e.g., Québec Telecommunications Tax):
Portfolio Loading Factor:

These parameters and tax rates were filed with the Commission on: (day, month, year).

6.4 Cost Inclusions

29.        Detailed descriptions of the cost inclusions in each category are to be provided in the sections below.

6.4.1    Expenses Causal to the Service

30.        Information on the expenses and the methodology used to develop the expenses are to be provided.

31.        Expenses causal to the service, also known as non-demand variable expenses, are to be provided for each of the following expense categories:

6.4.2    Capital Causal to the Service

32.        Information on the capital and the methodology used to develop the capital are to be provided.  Additionally, it should be indicated where costs are derived from corporate averages.

33.        Capital causal to the service, also known as non-demand variable capital, is to be provided using the following cost categories:

6.4.3    Capital Causal to Demand

34.        Information on the capital costs and the methodology used to develop them is to be provided.  Additionally, it should be indicated where costs are derived from corporate averages.

35.        Capital causal to demand is provided for each of the following four cost categories:

6.4.4    Expenses Causal to Demand

36.        Information on the expenses and the methodology used to develop the expenses are to be provided. Additionally, it should be indicated where costs are derived from corporate averages. The costs of incorporating the acquired 3rd-party services into the service are to be included in the appropriate Expenses Causal to Demand cost category.

37.        Expenses causal to demand are provided for each of the following five expense categories:

In cases where other types of sales management expenses are included, a description of these expenses is to be provided.

The costs are to be provided separately for each major component in a footnote. Also include a description of each major component.

6.4.5    Phase II Cost Summary

38.        The table entitled Detailed Summary of Phase II Costs is provided in Table 7 below and reports the Phase II costs excluding acquisition costs and excluding costs associated with elements imputed at tariff.

39.        For a GT stand-alone service, the following information is to be provided:

40.        For a GT service bundle, the following information is to be provided:

Table 7
T Service (specify)* or
T Service Bundle Component (specify)*
Detailed Summary of Phase II Costs
(20NN $)

Total Costs (PWACs): Present Worth
Study Period
$ per unit**
per month
Expenses causal to the service    
Advertising and Promotion    
Capital causal to the service    
Capital causal to demand    
Outside Plant Equipment    
Switching Equipment    
Transmission Equipment    
Land, Building & Other    
Expenses causal to demand    
Service Provisioning    
Advertising & Sales Management    
Other (optional: specify)    
Present Worth of Major Demand Units    
Present Worth of End of Study Value
(included in the PWAC)


  1. Totals may not balance due to rounding.
  2. Values represent Phase II costs excluding acquisition costs and all costs associated with elements imputed at tariff.

* This table is to be provided by rate band for: local exchange services or service bundles that contain local exchange services.
** Specify the unit, such as, for example, Network Access Service (NAS), minute, or access.


41.        This section should identify and describe the service(s) acquired from third parties, and the method used to develop these costs. This section should further provide the present worth of acquisition costs associated with each major acquired service (a major acquired service is defined as one with an acquisition cost representing more than 10% of the total service cost or service bundle cost). Settlements with other Telcos are to be included as part of the 3rd-party acquisition costs.

42.         This section should identify the service(s) or service components that are costed by imputing the applicable tariffed rates (e.g., Category I Competitor Services, Residential local exchange services, in-territory residential local VOIP services, non-forborne IXPL service elements) and the method used to develop these costs. This section should further provide the present worth of imputed costs associated with each major imputed tariff (a major imputed tariff is defined as one with imputed cost representing more than 10% of the total service cost or service bundle cost).


[1] Other decisions or orders pertaining to the imputation test methodology include Review of regulatory framework - Targeted pricing, anti-competitive pricing and imputation test for telephone company toll filings, Telecom Decision CRTC 94-13, 13 July 1994; Review of regulatory framework, Telecom Decision CRTC 94-19, 16 September 1994 (Decision 94-19); the Commission's letter dated 15 December 1994 re: Stentor Resource Centre Inc. Proposal on the information requirements for service filings (post Telecom Decision CRTC 94-19) - subsequently approved on an interim basis on 16 January 1995; Local competition, Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, 1 May 1997 (Decision 97-8); Joint marketing and bundling, Telecom Decision CRTC 98-4, 24 March 1998; and Introduction of dedicated access services, Order CRTC 2001-616, 2 August 2001.

[2] A costing approach whereby the average unit cost is established based on the combined ILEC and competitor demand.

[3] Bell Canada - Costing of Interoffice Fibre Cable, Telecom Letter Decision CRTC 93-1, 27 January 1993 (regarding the costing of interoffice fibre cable based on fibre cost factors); Final Rates for Unbundled Local Network Components, Telecom Decision CRTC 98-22, 30 September 1998 (regarding the end-of-study terminal value calculation); Restructured bands, revised loop rates and related issues, Decision CRTC 2001-238, 27 April 2001 (regarding the costing of percent revenue charge costs); and Competitor Digital Network Services, Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-6, 3 February 2005 (regarding the costing of portfolio expenses).

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