ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter

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Ottawa, 18 April 2005

File No.   8740-N51-200411265


By Fax

 (705) 647-3420


Ms. Renée Connelly

A/ Manager Regulatory Affairs


New Liskeard , Ontario



Dear Ms Connelly:

Re: Associated with Tariff Notices 211 and 212

This is further to your letter dated 15 March 2005 , in which NorthernTel Limited Partnership (NorthernTel) requested to delay the filing of proposed final rates for Ethernet Access and Ethernet Transport services to 31 May 2005 , in view of the time required to complete its cost studies.  

NorthernTel's request to file proposed final rates for Ethernet Access and Ethernet Transport services by 31 May 2005 is acceptable.


Yours sincerely,

'Original signed by S. Bédard '

Suzanne Bédard

Senior Manager, Tariffs


cc: Nora Froese, CRTC (819) 953-5254

Lizette Pépin, CRTC (819 953-8735

Date Modified: 2005-04-18
Date modified: