ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8740-B20-200406191

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Our file:   8740-B20-200406191

Ottawa, 8 April 2005

Send by:   Email

Mr. David Palmer
Director, Regulatory Matters
Bell Canada
110 O'Connor Street,
Floor 6
Ottawa , Ontario
K1P 1H1

Dear Mr. Palmer:

Subject: Tariff Notice 816

The Commission is in receipt of Bell Canada's letter dated 17 June 2004 regarding the disposition of Tariff Notice (TN) 816, for contract P3-109, a revised service arrangement that was originally filed under TN 804/A.   Bell Canada submitted that although the pricing for this arrangement had been revised to reflect the required increase in monthly revenues identified in Telecom Order CRTC 2004-142, 3 May 2004 (Order 2004-142) and that the proposed tariff pages satisfied the imputation test requirements of the Commission and complies with the Commission's directives in that Order, it claimed that the revised service arrangement was no longer a bundled service arrangement requiring tariff approval.

In support of its claim, Bell Canada provided an explanation of the current arrangement in its letter, proposed tariff pages, a revised imputation test and an explanation of changes that had been made to the Customer Specific Arrangement (CSA) to comply with the Commission's requirements in Order 2004-142.   In addition, Bell Canada provided correspondence from the customer advising the company that it did not wish to continue receiving the services via a bundled arrangement.

Bell Canada requested that the Commission confirm its interpretation of the current arrangement with this customer and direct Bell Canada to withdraw TN 816.

Commission staff has reviewed Bell Canada 's submission and notes that each service for the customer is rated separately and independently of the other services.   Commission staff further notes that credit payments are no longer part of the arrangement, nor are there discounts being provided to the customer or any other benefits such as unique reports, invoicing liability, insurance benefits or most favoured customer treatment.   Based on the information provided by the company, Commission staff accepts that the services provided under the revised arrangements do not constitute a bundle.

In light of this, TN 816 is considered withdrawn.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Scott Hutton
Director General,
Competition, Costing and Tariffs

c.c.:   Interested Parties List
CRTC - Pamela Cormier, Senior Analyst (819) 953-9675

Date Modified: 2005-04-08

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