ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8657-C12-200500034 - Adjustments to regulatory filing requirements for reports
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LetterFile No. 8657-C12-200500034 Ottawa, 5 January 2005 To: Distribution List Re: Adjustments to regulatory filing requirements for reports Commission staff has reviewed the reporting and filing requirements of service interruptions to competitors due to network outages Pursuant to Altering terms of service for competitors that are customers, Order CRTC 2000-397, 12 May 2000, the reports on service interruptions must be filed with the Commission quarterly. Commission staff considers that the requirement to file these reports quarterly could be modified, as these reports are standard in nature. Annual reporting coupled with the requirement to provide these reports on a demand basis would reduce the filing requirement burden while at the same time provide the Commission with the capability to respond to any complaints or problems that may arise. Commission staff, therefore, considers that it is not necessary for the data to be filed on a quarterly basis and it would be sufficient to file annually and on demand, if necessary. Commission staff therefore proposes that service interruption reports due to network outages be filed with the Commission annually. However, the information contained in these reports should remain readily available, and be produced as and when requested by Commission staff. We request comments on this proposal by 12 January 2005 and replies by 19 January 2005 . Parties are to serve copies of their comments on other parties in the attached distribution list and to serve copies of their replies on those who have filed comments. All such materials are to be actually received, not merely sent, by the dates specified. Yours sincerely,
Shirley Soehn
Date modified: 2005-01-05 |
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