ARCHIVED - Broadcasting - Commission Letter - Bell Globemedia Inc.

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Ottawa, 7 April 2005

SENT BY FAX: (416) 332-4580

Nikki Oberdieck
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Regulatory Affairs & Policy Strategy
Bell Globemedia Inc.
9 Channel Nine Court
Scarborough, Ontario
M1S 4B5

Re: Annual CTV Inc. Independent Production Activity Report Pursuant to Decision CRTC 2001-457 (Case Number 220848)

Dear Ms. Oberdieck:

This is to advise that the first paragraph of the letter from Diane Rhéaume, dated 21 March 2005 should have read:

This is to advise that the Commission accepts CTV Inc.'s Year 3 Independent Production Activity Report for the 2003/2004 Broadcast Year, filed 17 December 2004 pursuant to Licence renewals for the television stations controlled by CTV, Decision CRTC 2001-457, 2 August 2001.

Please note that the remainder of the 21 March 2005 letter is correct.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Ketchum
English-Language Radio & Television Policy

Date Modified: 2005-04-07

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