ARCHIVED - Broadcasting - Commission Letter - TVA Group Inc.

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Ottawa, 5 April 2005

Philippe Lapointe
Senior Vice-President in charge of Programming
TVA Group Inc.
1600 Maisonneuve Blvd. East
Montreal, Quebec H2L 4P2

Dear Mr. Lapointe:

Re: 2003-04 Annual Report of the TVA National Network - Decision CRTC 98-488

Dear Mr. Lapointe:

Thank you for the fourth annual report of the TVA national network, covering the period from 1 September 2003 to 31 August 2004.

This report, as filed, will be added to the TVA network's public file, including the withdrawal of your request for confidential treatment of certain financial information.

The Commission will examine in detail all activities pertaining to the operation of the TVA national network when it considers the TVA Group's renewal application for the licence expiring 31 August 2008.

Since the TVA national network licence is subject to certain conditions and commitments concerning the reflection of official language minority communities, I would urge you to examine the CRTC's 2004-2005 Action Plan-Implementation of Section 41of the Official Languages Act, which is available on the Commission's Web site.

Yours sincerely,

Diane Rhéaume
Secretary General

Date Modified: 2005-04-05

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