Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-7
Ottawa, 21 February 2005
CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee - Consensus items
Reference: 8621-C12-01/00
Consensus reports submitted to the CISC Steering Committee
Several CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee (CISC) working groups submitted consensus reports to the CISC Steering Committee (SC).
On 13 December 2004 the SC approved the following reports:
Revised NPA 514 Relief implementation Plan, 1 November 2004 (514RIP.doc). The Relief Planning Committee (RPC) reached consensus on revisions to the NPA 514 relief implementation plan to reflect the determinations made by the Commission in Relief plan for area code 514, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-61, 27 September 2004.
CSCN TIF 46 re: TIF 57 Requirement to CNAC - Service User Agreement, 1 November 2004 (CNRE046A). The Canadian Steering Committee on Numbering (CSCN) reached consensus on a need for Canadian entities applying for numbering resources to execute a service agreement with the Canadian Numbering Administrator (CNA) before any numbering resources are assigned or reserved.
On 21 January 2005 the SC approved the following reports:
TIF 54 Description of Canadian Numbering Plan and Dialling Plan, 14 December 2004 (CNRE048A). The CSCN reached consensus on a reference document that describes the Canadian Numbering Plan and the Canadian Dialling Plan that will be placed on the Canadian Numbering Administrator's and the International Telecommunications Union's respective web sites.
Network Operations Guidelines for Co-location Version 2, 15 December 2004 (BPRE032a). The Business Process Working Group reached consensus on revisions to the Network operations guidelines for co-location to reflect Commission determinations and updates to industry practices since version 1 of the document.
Additional NPA-NXX Notification Process and Requirements for CLECs, 27 February 2004 (ESRE034). The Emergency Services Working Group reached consensus on processes for CLECs to advise E9-1-1 service providers when they are assigned new or additional NPA-NXXs.
The consensus reports were referred to the Commission for consideration. These reports are available through the Commission's web site.
The Commission has reviewed and approves the above noted consensus reports.
Other issues
On 18 September 2003, the SC approved CSCN TIF 51 - Opening of area code 710 from Canada to support GETS service for the United States Government, 17 September 2003. The CSCN reached consensus to allow opening of NPA 710 allowing parties in Canada to contact persons designated by the United States government during disaster or crisis situations.
The consensus report was referred to the Commission for consideration. The report is available through the Commission's web site.
The Commission notes that the consensus report proposed that telecommunications service providers be allowed to choose between two options for routing and rating calls to NPA 710 numbers:
- Route NPA 710 calls as non-geographic toll-free service. NPA 710 calls would be rated based on existing rating practices for interexchange toll free calling, and settled between carriers based on similar settlement practices for toll free services; or
- Route NPA 710 calls in the same manner as other US-bound traffic to geographic NPAs. Such calls would be rated based on existing rating practices for interexchange calling and be based on vertical and horizontal coordinates associated with the NPA 710-NXXs.
The Commission notes that NPA 710 calls in the United States are routed as toll-free calls. The Commission is of the view that in order to ensure consistent routing and rating of NPA 710 calls throughout Canada and the United States, all telecommunications service providers in Canada should activate NPA 710 such that calls will be routed as toll-free calls to the United States. The Commission is also of the view that if start-up costs for activating NPA 710 are significant, telecommunications service providers can file, for Commission approval, a tariff to recover reasonable expenses.
The Commission therefore directs Canadian telecommunications service providers to activate NPA 710 and to route such calls as a non-geographic toll-free service.
Secretary General
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