ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-432

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Telecom Order CRTC 2004-432

  Ottawa, 21 December 2004

Northwestel Inc.

  Reference: Tariff Notice 815

Message toll service, base rate area and special services


The Commission received an application by Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel), dated 5 November 2004, to revise General Tariff, item 206, Exchange Rate Groups; Message Toll Service Tariff, item 107, Rate Centres and V-H Coordinates; Base Rate Area Tariff, the index; and Special Services Tariff, item 750, Co-Location Arrangements for Internet Service Providers, in order to remove the exchanges of Little Cornwallis Island, NU, and Bearskin Lake, British Columbia.


Northwestel noted that these sites were private mine locations, both of which had completely shut down operations, and that the company was requested to vacate the premises. Northwestel also indicated that it did not expect any further telecommunications needs at either of these locations.


Further, with respect to Message Toll Service Tariff, item 107, Rate Centres and V-H Coordinates, Northwestel proposed a revision to remove the rate centres of Fontas, Gleam, Kotcho and Yoyo. The Company submitted that these rate centres were inadvertently missed when the company had applied to remove Mobile Telephone Services from these sites, in Northwestel Tariff Notice 808, which was approved by the Commission in Northwestel Inc.- Removal of Mobile Telephone Service from the sites of Fontas, Gleam, Kotcho, Pesh Creek and Yoyo, Telecom Order CRTC 2004-298, 31 August 2004.


The Commission received no comments with respect to the application.


The Commission notes that the above revisions will have no material impact on customers or revenues.


The Commission approves Northwestel's application. The revisions take effect as of 29 December 2004.


Northwestel is to issue revised tariff pages forthwith to reflect these changes.
  Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2004-12-21

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