ARCHIVED - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-413

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Telecom Order CRTC 2004-413

  Ottawa, 10 December 2004

Saskatchewan Telecommunications

  Reference: Tariff Notice 68

Digital subscriber line access capability


The Commission received an application by Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), dated 5 July 2004, to revise the service description associated with Competitor Access Tariff item 650.14, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Access Capability, to provide SaskTel's retail DSL Internet Service (IS) to end-customers of any competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) when the CLEC is providing primary exchange service (PES), business or residential, using a local loop leased from SaskTel. The application was filed pursuant to a directive set out in FCI Broadband - Request to lift restrictions on the provision of retail digital subscriber line Internet services to business customers, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-34, 21 May 2004 (Decision 2004-34), and pursuant to Call-Net Enterprises Inc. - Request to lift restrictions on the provision of retail digital subscriber line Internet services, Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-49, 21 July 2003 (Decision 2003-49).


The Commission received comments from MTS Allstream Inc. (MTS Allstream) dated 4 August 2004. SaskTel filed reply comments on 13 August 2004.


MTS Allstream submitted that SaskTel had not complied with the Commission's directive in Decision 2004-34 arguing that competitors who wish to deploy services using SaskTel's DSL Access service should not have to also purchase a residential or business PES, provided by either SaskTel, or by a CLEC on leased SaskTel local loop.


SaskTel submitted that MTS Allstream had misrepresented the intent of the Commission's directives by quoting only a portion of Decision 2004-34. SaskTel submitted further that Decisions 2004-34 and 2003-49 relate to situations where an incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) or a CLEC are providing local exchange service on an ILEC-provided local loop.


The Commission notes that prior to Decisions 2004-34 and 2003-49, SaskTel's DSL Access service tariff stipulated that the end-user must subscribe to SaskTel's PES.


The Commission notes that in Decisions 2004-34 and 2003-49 the ILECs were directed to provide their respective retail DSL IS to any residential or business PES customer of a CLEC that is served by a local loop leased from the ILEC. These decisions did not require an ILEC to make its DSL IS available to competitors on a stand-alone basis.


The Commission notes that MTS Allstream's request that Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) access arrangements be made available, without requiring residential or business PES through either the ILEC or a CLEC leasing local loops from the ILEC, will be addressed in the proceeding initiated by the Part VII application filed as FCI Broadband & Maskatel Inc. - Application regarding the provision of stand alone ILEC DSL services to CLEC voice customers served over parallel local networks, dated 22 March 2004.


The Commission finds that SaskTel's proposed changes to the service description satisfy the Commission's directives in Decision 2004-34 and Decision 2003-49.


The Commission approves SaskTel's application. The revisions take effect as of the date of this Order.
  Secretary General
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Date Modified: 2004-12-10

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