ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8740-T78-200411637 - Tariff Notice 311 - Other Services and Arrangements

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Ottawa, 19 November 2004

File Number: 8740-T78-200411637

By fax and E-mail

(514) 493-5379

Allen Mercier
Director, Regulatory Study
Société en commandite Télébec
7151 rue Jean-Talon est, Suite 702
Anjou , QC
H1M 3N8

Dear Mr. Mercier:

Subject:     Tariff Notice 311 - Other Services and Arrangements

On 21 October 2004 , the Commission received an application from Société en commandite Télébec (Télébec) under cover of Tariff Notice 311, which proposes to introduce hourly rates for repair and maintenance work, and technical studies for Canadian cable companies and telecommunications carriers.

In Société en commandite Télébec and TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc., 2002 annual price cap filings , Telecom Decision, CRTC 2003-57, 22 August 2003, the Commission concluded that Télébec had to file a cost study and imputation test results or alternate costing support, whichever is appropriate depending on the type of service, when filing tariff applications to introduce a new service or to propose implicit or explicit rate reductions to an existing service.

Commission staff notes that Télébec did not file costing information in support of Tariff Notice 311.   Consequently, this matter is now closed.

However, the Commission is open to examining a new application from the company containing the missing information.   The application must be filed under cover of a new tariff notice.


Scott Hutton
Director General,
Competition, Costing and Tariffs

(819) 997-4573

Date modified: 2004-11-19

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