ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8665-U11-200407090 - Part VII application seeking the CRTC intervention in the matter of diallers: modem hijacking
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LetterOttawa, 15 October 2004 BY E-MAIL File No: 8665-U11-200407090
L'Union des consommateurs
M. John Lawford
Me Philippe Mercorio
Me Marie-Hélène Beaulieu Subject: Part VII application seeking the CRTC intervention in the matter of diallers: modem hijacking On 30 July 2004, Commission staff confirmed by letter the suspension of the proceeding relating to the above noted application at the request of L'Union des consommateurs, Option consommateurs and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre (the Applicants). On 8 October 2004 , the Applicants advised the Commission of their intent to terminate the suspension and requested that the proceeding continue. Accordingly, the respondents and interested parties are requested to file comments with the Commission, by 15 November 2004 , and the applicants are requested to file reply comments with the Commission by 25 November 2004 . In addition to copies of submissions being served on the applicants and the respondents respectively, copies of all submissions are to be served on all the parties in the attached distribution list.
Mario Bertrand
c.c.: Bill Mason, CRTC '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' ; '' Date modified: 2004-10-15 |
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