ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8662-C131-200408543, 8662-F20-200409814, 8662-B48-200409228, 8662-A84-200410035 - Applications pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure to review and vary Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-35, Review of telemarketing rules , 21 May 200

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Ottawa, 29 September 2004

Files Nos:  8662-C131-200408543

By E-Mail

To: Attached Distribution List

Dear Sir/Madam:

Re:         Applications pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure to review and vary Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-35, Review of telemarketing rules , 21 May 2004 

The Commission is in receipt of the following applications to review and vary, Review of telemarketing rules , Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-35 (Decision 2004-35), filed by:

(1) The Canadian Marketing Association;

(2) The Responsive Marketing Group Inc., Univision Marketing Group Inc., and Xentel DM Incorporated;

(3) Beautyrock Inc; and

(4) The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP)

Commission staff notes that some of the parties that have submitted an Answer to the Commission on the above applications did not serve copies of their Answer to other parties participating in the above proceedings. Commission staff would like to remind all parties of their obligations under the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure to serve copies of their Answer on the above applications to parties registered as interested parties in the proceeding that lead to Decision 2004-35 and interested parties that have shown interest in the above applications by submitting an Answer to at least one of the above applications.

For your convenience the list of parties who should be provided with a copy of your Answer(s) is attached to this letter.

With respect to the application filed by AFP, the process will not be expedited as requested by the applicants. Respondents may file their Answer with the Commission, serving copies on parties in the Distribution List attached to this letter, by 15 October 2004 .   Respondents shall also serve a copy on AFP's solicitor by the same date.   AFP may file its Reply with respect to its application with the Commission, serving a copy on all parties in the Distribution List, by 25 October 2004 .

For further information, contact Leah Ackerman at (819) 997-4577.

Yours truly,

Original signed by

Mario Bertrand
Acting Director, Consumer Affairs, Telecommunications

Date modified: 2004-09-29

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