ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8678-C12-200402313 - PN 2004-1, Amended procedures

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Our File: 8678-C12-200402313

Ottawa, 30 July 2004

To: Parties to Review and disposition of deferral accounts for the second price cap period , Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2004-1, 24 March 2004 as amended (PN 2004-1)

Dear Sir/Madam:

Re: PN 2004-1, Amended procedures

The Commission has been advised by three parties that they were unable to completely file interrogatory responses (listed at Attachment A) by the specified date of 21 July 2004.

•  A letter from TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) on 21 July 2004 listed the affected interrogatories, and a subsequent letter on 27 July 2004 stated TELUS' intent to complete filing of interrogatory responses by 9 August 2004.

•  A letter from TELUS Communications (Québec) Inc. (TCQC) on 27 July 2004 listed affected interrogatories and stated its intent to file interrogatory responses on 4 August 2004 and 9 August 2004.

•  A letter from Télébec, société en commandite (Télébec) on 28 July 2004 stated affected interrogatories and its intent to file interrogatory responses by 9 August  2004 .

Both TELUS and TCQC have indicated that they would not object to parties' requests for extension to allow more time.   In anticipating such requests, and in ensuring that all parties have full and meaningful opportunity to participate, Commission staff has amended the procedures as given below. The revised deadline dates take into consideration the impact on parties due to other proceedings currently underway.

Original Deadline Date
10 June 04
Deadline Date
30 July 04
Deadline Date
Responses to interrogatories, must be filed with Commission and served on parties 7 July 04 21 July 04 9 Aug 04
Requests for further responses to their interrogatories and public disclosure must be filed with Commission and served on parties 28 July 04 11 Aug 04 25 Aug 04
Written responses to requests for further information and public disclosure must be filed with Commission and served on parties 4 Aug 04 18 Aug 04 1 Sept 04
Any information provided pursuant to the determination with respect to requests for further information and public disclosure must be filed with the Commission and served on all parties 1 Sept 04 15 Sept 04 1 Oct 04
All parties may file comments with the Commission on any matters within the scope of this proceeding, serving copies on all other parties 15 Sept 04 29 Sept 04 15 Oct 04
All parties may file reply comments with the Commission, serving a copy on all other parties 29 Sept 04 13 Oct 04 29 Oct 04


Parties are reminded that documents must be received, and not merely sent, by the dates indicated.

Yours sincerely,

(Original signed by Chris Seidl)

Chris Seidl
Senior Manager, Telecom Policy Decisions

c.c. Parties to PN 2004-2
        M. Grywacheski, CRTC, 819-997-4676

Attachment A
Affected Responses to Interrogatories


To file by 9 August 2004

TELUS(Consumers Groups)23Jun04-9
TELUS(Consumers Groups)23Jun04-10


To file by 4 August 2004


To file by 9 August 2004
All responses to Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)/l'Association de télévision par câble (ACTC) interrogatories

Télébec :

To file by 9 August 2004
All responses to Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)/l'Association de télévision par câble (ACTC) interrogatories
All responses to Consumer Group interrogatories
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