ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8665-S62-200405888 - Part VII Application requesting Access to the Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Emergency 9-1-1 Database for the Purpose of Providing a Community Notification Service
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LetterFile No: 8665-S62-200405888 By e-mail: Ottawa, 29 July 2004
Mr. Brian Parker Dear Mr. Parker: Re: Part VII Application requesting Access to the Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Emergency 9-1-1 Database for the Purpose of Providing a Community Notification Service The Commission has received your letter dated 19 July 2004, filed on behalf of the County of Strathcona, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the City of Brandon, the New Brunswick - Department of Safety, Emergency Management Alberta, Emergency Management Ontario, the County of Essex and the City of Niagara Falls (collectively, the Applicants), requesting a time extension to 30 July 2004 for the Applicants to file reply comments to the various submissions submitted in the above noted Part VII proceeding. Commission staff is of the view that the requested time extension will not cause prejudice to the parties who have filed comments to date. Therefore, the Applicants request for a time extension is granted. Sincerely,
Mario Bertrand
cc: Bell Canada Date modified: 2004-07-29 |
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