ARCHIVED - Telecom Commission Letter - 8638-C12-200405755 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28

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Ottawa, 2 July 2004

Our file: 8638-C12-200405755

By Fax

Mark Connors
Manager - Regulatory Matters
Fort William Building
P.O. Box 2110
St. John 's NL

Subject: Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28

In a letter dated 24 06 2004, Aliant Telecom Inc. (Aliant Telecom) notified the Commission that it would be unable to meet the filing date specified in, IMCAIP against certain incumbent cable and telephone carriers - Provision of higher-speed access and retail internet services including Lite service, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28, dated 5 May 2004 (Decision 2004-28).

In Decision 2004-28, the Commission, in part, directed incumbent carriers who have a tariff for third-party Internet access service or asymmetrical digital subscriber line serve to file, within 60 days, cost studies based on the Commission's incremental phase II costing approach delineating the specific costs causal to Lite access service.

Aliant stated that due to the continuing Aliant labour disruption and the focusing of the Company's resources on customer service requirements, Aliant will not be in a position to develop, for filing with the Commission, a Phase II cost study by the directed date.   Aliant further stated that it will develop and file the required cost study at a future date to be determined pending the resolution of the labour disruption.

In light of the labour circumstances mentioned above, staff considers that the filing of the requested cost study at a future date, to be determined pending the resolution of the referenced labour disruption and in consultation with Commission staff, is appropriate.

Yours sincerely,


Paul Godin
Director, Competition and Technology

Date modified: 2004-07-02

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