ARCHIVED - Telecom - Commission Letter - 8622-F18-200402321 - FCI Broadband and Maskatel Inc. Part VII Application regarding the provision of stand alone ILEC DSL services to CLEC voice customers served over parallel local networks

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Ottawa, 14 April 2004


Our file number: 8622-F18-200402321

Willie Grieve
Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Corporation
Floor 31, 10020 100 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5J 0N5

Re: FCI Broadband and Maskatel Inc. Part VII Application regarding the provision of stand alone ILEC DSL services to CLEC voice customers served over parallel local networks

On 22 March 2004, the Commission received an application by FCI Broadband, a division of Futureway Communications Inc. (FCI Broadband), and Maskatel inc. (Maskatel) (collectively, the Applicants), pursuant to Part VII of the CRTC Telecommunications Rules of Procedure (the Application). According to the Application, copies were forwarded to Microcell, Eastlink, Bell Canada and TELUS.

On 7 April 2004, the Commission received a letter from TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) indicating that it was not served a copy of the Application pursuant to the addressing information set out for TELUS in the Commission's distribution list for Canadian Carriers. TELUS submitted that it only became aware of the Application on 6 April 2004 as a result of industry media attention.

TELUS submitted that the Application raises significant public policy and competitive policy issues that must be addressed in a full and comprehensive manner by all affected parties. Accordingly, TELUS advised the Commission of its intention to file its answers to the Application by 4 May 2004.

The Commission did not receive any submissions opposing TELUS's request.

Staff notes TELUS's submission that it only became aware of the Application on 6 April 2004. Staff also notes that the Applicants do not appear to have copied any ILECs other than Bell Canada and TELUS even though the issues raised in the Application could apply in all ILEC territories.

Consequently, in the interest of gathering as complete a record as possible, parties are given until 4 May 2004 to file, and serve on the Applicants, their answers to the Application.

The Applicants will then have until 14 May 2004 to file, and serve on the parties that provided an answer, their reply.

Where a document is to be filed or served by a specific date, the document must be actually received, not merely sent, by that date.

Yours truly,

Paul Godin
Competition Implementation and Technology

c.c.: CRTC Carriers list

Date modified: 2004-04-14

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